Italy offers to live in Calabria and u $ s33,000 to young people who meet these conditions



The Italian peoples involved in the initiative are diverse. Besides Calabria, there are Civita, Samo and Precacore, Aieta, Bova, Caccuri, Albidona and Santa Severina. All located near the sea or on the mountainside.

The region of Calabria is located in the southwest of the peninsula. The cities mentioned generally have communities of less than 5,000 inhabitants. Hence the need to invite people to settle down to work and to avoid the disappearance of certain cities.

calabria italy

The announcement includes the possibility of financing businesses through one-off funds, although the amounts related to this possibility have not been specified.

The project indicates that applicants can earn around $ 33,000 or € 28,000. Even if this figure would be obtained over three years, since it is a possible monthly payment of between 800 and 1200 dollars per month, to work in companies related to tourism.

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