Italy: the Democratic Party chooses its leader in the middle of a right advance | Chronic


The Italian Democratic Party (PD), the main force of the Italian opposition and maximum referent of the center of all political spectrum of the country, voted this Sunday at an open primary to its new leader, in the middle of electoral growth of the right and extreme Yes, the partners currently in the national government.

The primaries, open to all citizens over 16 years old inside and outside the country, will be defined between three candidates: the current president of Lazio region – whose capital is Rome -, Nicola Zingaretti; the former minister of agriculture Maurizio Martina and the MP Roberto Giachettireported the EFE news agency.

In addition, lists of candidates to the National Assembly, including districts located abroad, including South America, will be defined.

Voting in Argentina is activated from 10:00 to 17:00 and in eight centers: the Italian Society of Bahía Blanca, Rondeau 236; the seat of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, Perón 940; Italian society at Chascomús, Franklin 181; the Italian badociation in La Plata, Diagonal 74 823; the house of Italy in Mar del Plata, Avenida Edison 127 and 25 de Mayo 2855; the Italian Society of the Municipality of Bonarense de Morón, San Martín 451; the PD circle in Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Roque Sáenz Peña 816; and office 1 in Rosario, Rojas 1024.

The Roman Zingaretti is the favorite of all the polls and represents the most progressive wing of the country, while the deputy Giachetti is considered the candidate of Matteo Renzi, leader and former prime minister who led the party at the time. last electoral debacle. .

Martina, for her part, tries to present herself as the candidate for the compromise between the two conflicting internal sectors, although she has had a recent past with Renzi.

He was Minister of Agriculture of Renzi and his successor, Paolo Gentiloni, and after the resignation of the first in March 2018, badumed the provisional leadership of the party.

The PD was founded in 2007 as a result of the merger of former Communist leftist democrats and La Margarita centrists and, although he knew how to generate the hope of a bigger and bigger center. more stable in a country with a long history of political instability, years is engaged in internal struggles and splits.


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