Italy without chinstrap: will not be compulsory from …


the The Italian government plans to end the mandatory use of the chin strap outdoors on July 15, in a framework in which 99% of the country will be defined as a “white zone”, or at low epidemiological risk, according to the authorities.

“I consider the forecasts according to which from July 15, the chin strap should no longer be used outdoors,” Health Minister Roberto Speranza said Thursday in statements reproduced by the RaiNews24 channel.

The announcement of Speranza takes place in a framework in which from tomorrow all regions of the country, with the exception of the small Valle d’Aosta, will be ccalled “white area”, or low epidemiological risk, without restrictions on the movement of persons or commercial activities.

Both the Minister of Health, of the center-left group Free and Equal, and the senator and right-wing leader Matteo Salvini, were in favor of the government led by Mario Draghi. do not extend the “state of emergency” which expires on July 31 Corriere newspaper reports.

With successive extensions since its first declaration in January 2020, the “state of emergency” allows the Government to dictate extraordinary measures to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and prohibits the 20 regions of the country from adopting more flexible restrictions than those planned at the national level.

Gradual easing of measures in Italy began at the end of March thanks to the progress of the vaccination plan by which the country has already completed the vaccination cycle for 14,623,752 people 26.95% of the population, according to the government website which updates the campaign.

In recent days, according to figures from the Ministry of Health, Italy has recorded a positivity rate lower than one infected with Covid-19 per 100 tests carried out nationwide.


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