It's all about habit | Macri said that …


Mauricio Macri was waiting for his ministers at the Quinta de Olivos, while the variation of the value of the dollar followed from the corner of his eye. When he has them in front of him, he looks for a sentence to convey energy but ends up resigned: "You must learn to live with the volatility of the dollar". Then he proclaimed "tranquility" to his troupe which, according to the president, transcended, will generate "confidence" in the population affected by the economic crisis. Just in case, he has again blamed the reaction of the markets to the increasing increase in the number of inquiries on the voting intention of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner: "As long as she has a chance, it will not change" he told them without naming. He also arrived at the crossroads of the modified versions of the Cabinet and repeated to his ministers "tranquility and work". As the day before, the chief of staff, Marcos Peña, had to confirm on television that "Macri is the candidate" of the party in power and that "the elections will not be advanced".

The idea of ​​living with the oscillations of the dollar has always recalled the advice he gave in the first winter of his administration, when he explained to the Argentineans how to live with the cold: "When you are at home in winter and see that it's in shirt or leg, it's that they consume more energy.In winter you have to be warm at home, "said Macri in July 2016 in part of his "save energy" campaign. Three years later, gas and electricity tariffs make heating millions of citizens almost prohibitive.

The President has ratified strict compliance with the non-intervention of the Central Bank as long as the dollar remains in a broad band of exchange fixed by the International Monetary Fund, which has no floor and whose ceiling is set at 51.45 pesos until June, when the band should only be changed but the US currency is getting closer and closer to the limit imposed.

Macri also gave Zen advice to deal with the crisis. "We have to do our job as well as possible, if they see us as calm, it will start to change, this madness is changed, generating tranquility," was the message that most touched one of the ministers. having attended the meeting in Olivos. A fragile tranquility before the dollarization of a large part of the economy, responsible for the progress of the rise of the North American currency on prices – and in particular on food – causing more and more anxiety and suffering. anxiety among the population.

In any case, well understood tranquility starts at home. The president rejected rumors of changes in the government before ministers. Several, whose names figured in the transcended and whose fragility in their positions was speculated, exhaled some relief.

The Minister of Economy, Nicolás Dujovne, missed only the meeting during a trip to Brazil, where he would have received praise from officials of President Jair Bolsonaro; and Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio, touring Jujuy with Radical Governor Gerardo Morales.

From the north of the country, Frigerio was in tune with Olivos. "Obviously, the level of exogenous economic variables that affect Argentina" due to the "most fragile economy" of the region, "said the political minister, who then ratified the course by declaring that the government was trying to "leave that aside" by sanctioning a balanced budget and reorganizing our public accounts ".

At the table of Olivos were also the provisional president of the Senate, Federico Pinedo, and the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Emilio Monzó, far from the small table of Cambiemos after losing his political fight with the chief of cabinet , Marcos Peña. Both have received presidential congratulations for advancing the reform of the political party financing law, which opens the door to corporate contributions to election campaigns and that Macri wants in search of his reelection.

In Pinedo, Macri instructed to personally thank the head of the federal senate headquarters, Federal Peronist Miguel Angel Pichetto, one of the architects of Casa Rosada's projects without major obstacles in the Senate. Although this time, it was because of his statements in New York, until the candidacy for the presidency of Federal Alternative, he took his proposals. There, and in front of the investors, Pichetto affirmed "the clear conviction of the respect of the obligations, the continuity of the State and the fact that, for Argentina, the worst place is the default". "He is a true statesman," Macri told the Peronist Senator, as described by some of the members present at Olivos.

The "volatility" of the exchange rate has not changed the positions of the president or his government. The meeting began in tranquility after Thursday's bullfight. But when it was over and Macri received US Ambbadador Edward Prado and a small delegation of Congressmen led by Republican Senator and former Florida Governor Rick Scott, who reportedly forwarded Donald Trump's support at his administration, the dollar resumed. it's climbing.

The eventful day continued with the certainty that the "tranquility" in the precincts of the Presidential Quinta had not reached the city, where the dollar had climbed to 47 pesos another dark day for the government.

With this data in the slates, Macri led another meeting, this time with the so-called Mesa de Vaca Muerta, as they call the space in which the provincial government, unions and oil companies coexist to discuss the development of hydrocarbons in the Neuquén basin.

Accompanied by Secretary of Energy, Gustavo Lopetegui; the president of the YPF, Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez; the deputy chief of staff, Andrés Ibarra; and the Minister of Transport, Guillermo Dietrich, the president received the members of the board of governors: the governor of Neuquén, Omar Gutiérrez; the owners of the Private Union of Oil and Gas, Guillermo Pereyra (MPN National Senator); UOM, Antonio Caló; and Uocra, Gerardo Martínez.

The government has been in the non-traditional oil and gas basin for some time looking for dollars to deal with the expiry of the heavy debt it has incurred. But there were no ads there either.


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