“It’s for all the times he kicked me in the head”: a woman filmed herself throwing her husband’s ashes and the video sparked debate


There are many ways to grieve after the loss of a loved one. Marsha widener has shown that when the person who dies was not good in life, they did not deserve the respect of those who knew them.

A video that has gone viral shows the woman’s reaction to the scattering of her late husband’s ashes. The widow She showed the box they gave her at the wake house with her husband’s name on it: Don widener. Then he explained why he was going to do what he shows later in the recording.

According to the woman, her husband’s remains were rejected by her brother, children and other family members.

The woman throwing the remains of her late husband. (Photo: YouTube screenshot @FinalGoodbyeToTheNastyBastard).

When it’s time to throw Don’s ashes, Marsha widener revealed that it was retribution for all the pain and suffering he caused to his family. “It’s for all the times he kicked me in the head,” he said.

In the video, which was replicated in the various social networks, you see how the ashes of deceased they fly in the air and they fall in front of the woman, who shouts “dirty bastard”. Another part of the box’s contents fall to the ground where it quickly mixes with the dirt and adds, “We don’t want you here.”

Then, Marsha proceeds to empty the rest of the ashes in the trash. “Goodbye, my friend,” he said.

YouTube screenshot @FinalGoodbyeToTheNastyBastard.

According to the woman, her husband was a violent man. Therefore, he decided that the best option was to leave it in the trash. While she knows it’s not the best way to fire someone, she thinks it highlights the complexity of grieving.

He is generated video various reactions from Internet users. And it is that although many pointed out that the woman’s attitude was not correct, others expressed that because of his suffering, it is good that he did what he deemed necessary. . Not only to heal, but to finally end a cycle that was very painful for her life.


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