"It's not true that the economy only requires an adjustment"


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernandez, said today that the crisis that is going through Argentina is not resolved "at the price of further misery" and stressed that "It's not true that the economy requires only a fit."

The opposition leader stressed that the complex situation in which the country finds itself must be "resolved, but not at the cost of increased misery in Argentina".

"It's not solved like that," he insisted, considering: "It is not true that the economy requires only adjustments, condemns the marginalization of millions of people and allows the concentration of wealth in a few. It's a way of seeing things. "

In this sense, he said: "We must understand that the best way is for those who invest, invest and give work, private equity, earn their investment and allow them to work and progress together."


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"There is no capitalism where there is no demand. In a society of poverty, there are living people who earn money at the expense of others", he stressed during a dialogue with Radio 10.

So, he said: "This way of seeing is not, while they're trying to sell in Argentina, a retrograde, backward, liar look.It's a way of thinking social development in this globalized economy, they said, "They are Portuguese socialists or Spaniards who want to do the same thing. We are not marginal in the world of madness. They have results, "he said.

Fernández, of Spain, said that the businessmen of this country "wanted to talk" with him, as well as "English and North American investment funds". The former official said that they were looking to "talk and understand what is happening in Argentina".

In addition, he said: "I am one of those who believe that Latin America considers Europe as a near world" and said that his intention was "to try to make sure that this integration takes into account the existing economic asymmetries ".


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