it's the highway that can be traveled in 7 minutes


It will go from the port to Retiro and will connect the highways Buenos Aires-La Plata and 25 de Mayo to Illia. Separate trucks and buses from the rest of the cars

Rapid progress of the mega government of Buenos Aires Horacio Rodriguez Larreta in Puerto Madero. Workers working 24 hours a day, they hope to inaugurate in May the Paseo del Bajo, a highway that will cross the city of Buenos Aires from north to south in just 7 minutes.

The 7.1 kilometer road corridor will connect the Buenos Aires-La Plata and 25 de Mayo highways to Illia, the port and the Retiro bus station.

Part of the Paseo del Bajo will take place on the surface and another in the trench. In this way, they will separate the traffic from trucks and buses with the rest of the cars.

A linear park will be built on the roof of the trench.

The entire corridor extends from Brasil Street and the 25 de Mayo toll road to Retiro Tollbooth on the Illia highway, with one branch to the bus terminal and another to the Buenos Aires port. .

It will have 12 lanes: 4 fast and exclusive lanes for trucks and long-distance buses, which will circulate in trenches, undergrounds and viaducts with links. On the surface, where are now the axes Madero-Huergo and Alicia Moreau de Justo, there will be eight lanes for light vehicles.

This is a very complex construction, which will cost $ 650 million, of which 400 come from a loan from the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the rest of the sale from the station located next to Catalinas Norte .

The city's Ministry of Urban Development, which does the work via AUSA, is in charge of the project.

From the Ministry of Urban Development of Buenos Aires, they ensure that, once completed, the Paseo del Bajo will benefit 135,000 long-distance bus pbadengers, trucks and private vehicles. And that a trip that takes place today in 50 minutes will be in 7 hours only.

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