"It's time for Maduro to step down" | Chronic


Relations between the United States and Russia seem decisive for the future of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, whose main external support comes from Moscow and China. In this context yesterday, the Secretary of State of the Yankees, Mike Pompeo, drawn: "The time has come for Maduro to leave power. "

The meetings today have been a positive step forward. United States And #Russia have demonstrated in the past that we can cooperate on key international issues. We urge Russia to work with us to change the relationship in the interests of both countries. pic.twitter.com/LDoixnsTVe

– Pompeo Secretary (@SecPompeo)
May 14, 2019

After a meeting of several hours with the Russian Chancellor Sergey Lavrov, In the seaside resort of Sochi, on the edge of the Black Sea, the head of the Yankees expressed his firm position regarding the situation in Caracas. "The United States and more than 50 countries believe that the time has come for Maduro to leave power ", he said, adding that the exit of the Bolivarian should occur so that "put an end to the suffering of the people"from your country.

"Maduro has only caused misery to the Venezuelan people and we hope that the Russian support to Maduro will cease", Insisted Pompeo before recalling that Moscow had strong economic and energy interests in Venezuelan territory.

The answer

While the US diplomat has listed why there should be a change of government in Venezuela, Lavrov justified Moscow's defense of Maduro. "Democracy can not be established by force," he replied, while baderting that the self-proclamation of Juan Guaidó and his desire to oust the president "have nothing to to see with democracy ".

"Threats against the Maduro government, which have been heard by the officials of the US administration and Guaidó, who constantly remind their right to invite armed intervention from abroad, no one. have nothing in common with democracy. ", added Lavrov, who ratified "support for dialogue and consideration of all issues by the Venezuelans themselves, without ultimatums or preconditions."


The headquarters of the Venezuelan embbady in Washington became a point of tension when US security forces attempted to expel the headquarters personnel who responded to Maduro, in response to Guaidó's request. "Anyone who refuses to comply with these requests and orders to leave the property (…) swill be arrested and charged criminally ", Warned Trump, remembering that his country "does not recognize the authority of the former Maduro regime, nor any of its former representatives, to allow people to enter legally, to stay on the property or to take any other measure about it. "

Some soldiers forced entry, but shortly after leaving the embbady, ​​they discussed with the Venezuelan diplomats' lawyers, who reminded them that the deportation was a violation of international law.


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