"It's worse than the dictatorship of Pinochet" | Chronic


In the program "Solo Periodismo" of HD Chronicle, the Chilean journalist, Mario Solis, he said via Skype that there was a complaint stating that "there are 13 missing women".

Solis also said that "There are 12 cases of sexual abuse" security forces, distributed by police and military personnel, reporting that "They were forced to undress in clandestine centers".

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For its part, the Chilean journalist said that there was a major media pact to cover up these facts so that what is happening in the country of South America is not known.

In addition, he said that a new demonstration, with the presence of more than 25,000 people in Plaza Italia, called for the change of constitution, Several wounded. "It's unintelligible because it was a totally peaceful protest" Solis said.


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