Ivana Figueiras revealed the nickname used by Nicole Neumann to disqualify Mica Viciconte: "I have messages …"


The confrontation between Nicole Neumann and Mica Viciconte continues to make people talk. Ivana Figueiras, close friend of Fabián Cubero joined this media war. The model revealed the nickname with which the blonde makes fun of the old " Combat ". In addition, Figueiras broke the silence after being identified as responsible for the escape of sound audios Neumann against the footballer.

"False vegan's self does not speak" Ivana Figueiras began to say in dialogue with a chronicler of Intruder . He added: "For me these audios do not surprise me, obviously Fabi is my friend and if I can advise him, I advise him, aggressive people do not interest me, things are revealed a little."

Hang of who? Fame? Jajajaj

– Mica Viciconte? (@MicaViciconte) July 26, 2018

"Did Nicole still put a foot on Fabián's head?" The chronicler wanted to know. "There is something I do not care about, it's that person." At one point I wanted to start something legal against her for extortion, I have well kept messages. She is an extortionist. He talks about very serious problems such as suicide, "said the model.

In addition, Figueiras was questioned about the filtering of an audio where the panelist of" Corta por Lozano "Is embarrbaded to be the old Cubero and said:" It's illogical, I'm never going to betray a friend. " Fabian showed me a lot of messages against him and against me too, the same with his partner, audios where Nicole says "show"

"Poor, for me, the toxic and aggressive people, outside, Nicole makes me a little heartache, for me everything comes back in life, "said the model. " I do not want to talk about this mine, it disgusts me " the interview is over, with force.

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