Ivana Nadal questioned the sanitary measures: “Come on, force me to wear a chin strap in the street”


The model regretted that the use of face masks was mandatory in places such as supermarkets and pharmacies. (Photo: Instagram / ivinadal)

In their social networks, Ivana nadal continues to share documents questioning various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The model is resting in Costa Rica and in a recent video from this heavenly destination, she once again questioned the use of masks.

“There is a lot of fear, madman. I’ll show you something you’ll love: a chin strap. “Ivana wears a chin strap, was that a lie?” No, guys, it’s not like that. In supermarkets, airports and all that bullshit where they make you not breathe well, you have to use it. Later on the street… “Come on, force me. Come come “he said defiantly into the camera.

Before this sentence, he had mentioned the impact of the messages in which he encourages his followers to awaken spiritually. “I show the amount of messages they sent me, the number of beings raising their own voices, having a thought that doesn’t have to be shaped by what they tell you to think,” he said. -he throws.

On the other hand, he also took the opportunity to thank his detractors for making his messages viral: “They make me known more and not for showing the c…, but for talking about something interesting. Something different from what everyone or the vast majority is talking about. And not because they don’t know it and I’m a genius throwing data at you that nobody knows, but we all have it in our souls and it’s covered with a lot of fear, misinformation “.

Hours later, after a few stories in which he shared fake news about the coronavirus, Nadal again questioned official information on the impact of the virus: “What I think is unverifiable as the number of people who say they die“.

“What makes it unverifiable is that they don’t do autopsies. Because? His speech says that the deceased can give you COVID-19, as if it were radioactive. The answer to the big lie is there, ”he added.

The influencer ‘s publications against the use of the chinstrap began in mid-March when she explained to him the reasons for dispensing with this health measure: “It is part of the lowering of the system of locking us up, scare us. Get sick! “.

“Don’t you feel like you’re breathing hot, like the carbon dioxide spinning inside your chin strap?” And you put it on and take it out of the body, it’s crazy. Breathe fresh air! Connect with nature, help your immune system protect you, we are perfect beings, our being is perfect, ”he was saying at the time.


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