Ivana Nadal shared a dangerous message on her networks: “Give yourself love and COVID-19 won’t affect you”


The driver went to Brazil and from there did the filming

Once again Ivana Nadal is at the center of the controversy to share her thoughts on health on social networks. On this occasion, the model traveled to Rio de Janeiro with a group of friends and from there she filmed herself saying that if people respect each other they do not contract coronavirus. At once His comments sparked a stir and a wave of criticism on Twitter.

“I don’t know what is being consumed in the media, but I tell them to turn off the TV, live their life, breathe their air and enjoy what they want to do because not everything is as dramatic as they are sold. Focus on your life, take care of yourself, boost your immune system and live, ”says Ivana de la plage in a video she posted to her Instagram Stories.

Then he continued, “If you want to live your life, turn off the television, put the fear aside and start doing. The only owner of your life is you. If you keep putting your energy into things that you don’t have and that you can’t achieve, but all you do is complain about it not getting to you, you’re not going to go from there ”.

Without giving up on the subject, Nadal made an observation about what is supposed to happen to those who do not follow these steps: your immune system weakens from not giving yourself love and COVD-19 comes along or any other disease. Give yourself love and everything goes ”.

In another video, he expressed: “¿How you strengthen the immune system? First of all, pay attention to yourself, knowing what is missing and surely the basis of all that is to value yourself and feel like someone in life, get up and wish you a good day in as the most loved person in the world. So start with you, indulge yourself, Give yourself love and COVID don’t touch you friend I promise you“.

Ivana Nadal has shared a controversial new video.  (Photo: Instagram / @ ivinadal).
Ivana Nadal has shared a controversial new video. (Photo: Instagram / @ ivinadal).

Of course, her comments did not go unnoticed on social media at all and many users criticized her for her misinformation and others also made memes to poke fun at her comments. His name was trending on Twitter this Monday.

“Ivana Nadal is using her social networks to send a dangerous message about the contagion of the coronavirus”, warned an indignant user.

This is not the first time that the host has used their social networks to post videos of this style. In other articles, he has made people talk by publicizing his anti-vaccine stance and declaring that all “Illnesses are emotional”.


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