Ivana Nadal, still in the controversy: she encouraged her followers to stop obeying the protocols of the coronavirus


Ivana nadal It has become a trend due to a controversial post on their social media. She was outraged to have to take the coronavirus travel to the United States and after admitting that he had started crying from helplessness, he added that protocols must end. “My body is mine. My life is mine, ”she said angrily.

The model demanded respect for those who, like her, do not want to continue using the mask. “I am only responsible for my health and well-being, both mental and physical. It does us no good. We must stop obeying. If it is good for you to wear a mask, if it is good for you to be vaccinated and to live in persecution and fear, then do so. But please I ask for respect for those of us who disagree and we must assert our freedom to choose in order to be able to breathe fresh air, to believe in ourselves, to trust the beautiful and perfect machine that we are, ”he said.

As in her last publications, the critics of her followers did not wait, but she expected to clarify that she is not interested in what they think of his words: “The one who does not want to understand the message won’t and I don’t fight that or anything or anyone. I only ask for freedom ”.

Ivana Nadal again controversial in the networks. (Photo: Instagram / ivinadal).

Ivana, who will be heading to the United States tomorrow, said she clearly would not get on the plane if she was showing symptoms. However, he noted that before the first discomfort, he did not need to check it “with a tampon in the brain”. “We do not verify that the thing they put in your nose really confirms whether or not you have this bug”, he clarified and took for granted that everything is a business: “They charge you, it is another profit for this dirty system.

Ivana Nadal has had enough of the anti-coronavirus mask and protocols. (Photo: Instagram / ivinadal).

Finally, the influencer asked people to rebel and thus cease to be “dominated”: “We must seek revolution. It’s your life or theirs. Enough of the lies. People are dying of hunger, confinement, depression, lack of love. You have to seek the truth if you want to find it. Or do you really want to go back inside?

A few hours before his much commented message, Nadal had screamed after being accused again of being part of a sect. “It’s no fun being in a cult. I’ve never been there, but I read and learn a lot. And I really don’t consider it a joke to say that. When they make you believe this, it’s because they want you to be afraid of my post. Afraid to wake up. I do not go to any sect. I don’t practice any religion. I work on myself all day, every day. Respect me, listen to me and believe in me. I am only faithful to my intuition and I still live on love. For a similar and free humanity. No leaders, no ranks, no disqualifying titles. With union and a lot of love, ”he exclaimed.


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