Ivanka Trump and the Assistant Secretary of State visit Jujuy – Telam


Ivanka Trump in Bogotá, with local entrepreneur Cruz Córdoba

Ivanka Trump in Bogot, with local entrepreneur Cruz Crdoba

United States Assistant Secretary of State John J. Sullivan and the daughter of US President Ivanka Trump will travel to Jujuy province tomorrow to discuss women's empowerment , the fight against drug trafficking and expanding the economic outlook.

The visit will last a few hours and will be part of a tour including Colombia and Paraguay,

"This trip will further strengthen US alliances in the region on women's economic empowerment, supporting the overall development and prosperity of women, W-GDP) of the White House," said the country's government during the tour of the presidential advisor and vice-secretary of state.

According to unofficial sources, the US emissaries' agenda will include activities with an organization dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs and a tour of various productive businesses in the region.

Jorge Faurie will travel to the province to receive them as Minister of Foreign Affairs, who will meet with Mr. Sullivan to discuss issues on the bilateral agenda.

The US ambbadador to Argentina, Edward Prado, will also be in Jujuy, and it is not excluded that visitors will be received by the local governor, the radical Gerardo Morales, who was already home to Queen Máxima's queens. Holanda and Margarita's. Denmark

Sullivan and Trump will arrive in Jujuy from Colombia, where they were received yesterday by Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez, posted on Ivanka Trump's Twitter account.


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