Ivanka Trump announced good news: $ 400 million to relaunch PPP work on Highway 7


The national government announced on Thursday that $ 400 million would be allocated to financing road works undertaken in the province of Córdoba through the private public participation (PPP) system.

As stated officially, the funds will be provided by the Investment Committee of Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Opic) and will be used to advance work in Corridor C, which covers 700 kilometers of Highway 7 between Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Cordoba. and Mendoza.

The cities of Cordoba that are on the route of the National Highway 7 are Laboulaye, head of the department Roque Sáenz Peña; Rosales, General Levalle, La Cautiva and Vicuña Mackenna, among others.

The new funding will, as stated by the Department of Transport, achieve more than 80% of the planned investments in this project.

The RN N ° 7 is a radial road of the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires, which brings together the main agricultural cities of northwestern Buenos Aires province and the first international corridor of Argentina, which connects the municipalities of Luján, San Andrés de Giles, Carmen de Areco, Chacabuco and Junín.

RN No. 7 serves as an international corridor and more than 10,000 vehicles pbad through it every day. The demand for road construction, because of its high accident rate and heavy traffic, was a historic claim that had been postponed and ignored for years.

39 km of road have already been inaugurated on the RN 7.

Ivanka, in Jujuy. (AP)

Why Ivanka

Dietrich went to Jujuy today, where is Donald Trump 's daughter. Ivanka, the eldest daughter of the President of the United States, confirmed to Minister Dietrich that in addition to the greetings, he had provided funds.

"This morning, Ivanka Trump has confirmed to Dietrich the payment of $ 400 million from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), intended to finance the public / private participation project of the national channel 7" A source from the national government said to the newspaper El Cronista.

* With the collaboration of the correspondent of Buenos Aires.


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