Ivanka Trump refused to allow her Secret Service guards to use her home’s bathroom


The culmination of Donald Trump’s presidency also means the end of the government adventure of his daughter Ivanka and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Although it is not yet known what will become of their lives (in Manhattan, they are considered persona non grata and they will not return), everything seems to indicate that they will not continue in Washington DC.

As is often the case, these are the times when dirty laundry of public figures is revealed. In the case of the president’s daughter, it was The Washington Post the one responsible for giving them a bad image: apparently, the Kushner-Trump family did not allow the Secret Service agents assigned to their guard that use the bathroom at home (the house had 6 bathrooms), forcing them to resort to all kinds of pirouettes to relieve themselves.

The newspaper’s investigation even reveals some of the strategies agents used. They asked companies in the area for permission to use their bathrooms, and they even had to drive to the vice-president’s home Mike Pence, located over a mile away.

A moving truck in front of Ivanka Trump's home in Washington DC.  Photo: AFP

A moving truck in front of Ivanka Trump’s home in Washington DC. Photo: AFP

For a while, they used the same bathroom that was used by those assigned to former President Barack Obama, who lives nearby. The bathroom was inside a garage that the Obama family did not use and members of the Secret Service used it without a problem.

Also according to the US newspaper’s investigation, at one point, agents assigned to Ivanka Trump’s family were banned from using the restroom at the Obama house after an agent. leave a “bad surprise” on the spot.

“This is the first time that I hear that a secret service agent has such a hard time getting a bathroom,” a member of the security forces consulted on the matter told the Post.

The secret services too used a chemical bath which he placed on the sidewalk near the house. For this reason, residents of the neighborhood were prohibited from walking on this sidewalk, which aroused the anger and indignation of neighbors.

A very exclusive neighborhood

It should be remembered that in the district of Kalorama where Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner live, there are many embassies. In addition to the aforementioned Obama family, Jeff Bezos also lives in the area, the founder of Amazon who also owns The Washington Post.

Jeff Bezos' home in the Kalorama neighborhood, Washington DC.  Bezos is Ivanka Trump's neighbor.  Photo: Clarín Archives.

Jeff Bezos’ home in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington DC. Bezos is Ivanka Trump’s neighbor. Photo: Clarín Archives.

In the end, the secret services decided in September 2017 to rent a small studio located in the basement of a neighboring house so that the agents could use the bathroom. The price? An amount of $ 3,000 per month, over $ 100,000 spent to date, all paid for by government.

When asked about the situation, the White House denied that the family denied agents access to a bathroom and alleged that it was the Secret Service that decided that its members do not enter the house.

Despite the government’s denial, the newspaper reaffirmed that it stood by its comments, relying on its sources. In the note, they are cited in off the record, but they are described as “members of the security forces with knowledge of the subject”.

The home of Barack Obama and his family in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington DC.  Photo: AP

The home of Barack Obama and his family in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington DC. Photo: AP

According to the testimony of these people, from the first moment it was clear that the bathroom inside the house was “off limits” for the guards responsible for protecting the family. While one of them claimed not to know why the toilet could not be used, the other source said it was following a request from the couple.

The secret services, for their part, initially refused to comment on the matter. In an email to the newspaper, he said the agency “do not comment on the means, methods or resources it uses to carry out a mission. ”

After the memo was published, they wrote to the newspaper again, this time to say that Secret Service agents are seeking a “minimal impact on households and families those who must protect ”.

In keeping with this maxim, he said that “Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have never been invited into their home”. He added that neither did the couple never denied them access to a bathroom.

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