Ivanka Trump to invest $ 400 million for road works in Argentina | Chronic


Ivanka Trump, the daughter of the President of the United States, signed an agreement with Argentina to invest $ 400 million to "improve the pbadability and expand Corridor Vial C, essential trade route for the Argentine economy". The agreement was concluded as part of the visit to our country of the presidential advisor.

The woman arrived in Jujuy in an air force plane, next to the badistant secretary of state. John J. Sullivan and other US officials, was received by the governor of the province Gerardo Morales and by the Chancellor Jorge Faurie. The official was less than one day in Argentine territory and, at that time, was responsible for the ratification of the White House's support to the Government of Mauricio Macri and promised to invest $ 400 million for road works.

As it appeared, the daughter of Donald Trump He went to an organization, met entrepreneurs in San Salvador del Jujuy and had lunch with Argentine representatives in Purmamarca. At the last meeting mentioned, Ivanka announced a $ 400 million investment in private-public participation projects.

Ivanka had lunch with officials in Punmamarka.

The CEO, David Bohigian, explained that the funding would be provided by the Private Investment Company Abroad, the US government agency that underpins investments in developing countries.

"It is important at this time to ratify an investment and we appreciate it very much, and on behalf of President Macri I thank you for your support during these difficult times."said Morales of the Cambiemos coalition, which was also proud that Jujuy is the province chosen by Trump's daughter.

Faurie also thanked the visit and said: "The CIPO commitment is very important, President Donald Trump has shown us his support and his arrival here is a sign of confidence – a good sign for us."

For its part, Dietrich, referred to the work to be carried out with the financing and detailed: "There will be more road safety for those who use our roads, jobs are created to build quality infrastructure and reduce the logistics costs that allow economies to grow in all regions. we have chosen with President Macri new funding, we continue in this direction ".

The Department of Transport said the government would get funding to start work on another of the five proposed corridors in 2018, which are facing funding issues. "This credit will create more than 3,000 jobs, directly and indirectly, contributing to regional development by reducing transport costs and providing better traffic conditions for users, thus improving road safety", reported.


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