Ivanka Trump will visit Argentina, Paraguay and Colombia


The eldest daughter of US President Ivanka Trump and state department number 2, John J. Sullivan, will visit Argentina, Paraguay and Colombia next week, the US government announced today.

The State Department announced that Ivanka Trump and Sullivan will meet with "leading civil society leaders and stakeholders from the three countries" to discuss the Global Development Initiative and the Prosperity of the woman in the House. Blanca, according to a statement posted on its website.

Both "will highlight the government's support for the integration and economic and political empowerment of women," the text adds.

In addition, the undersecretary of state will also meet officials from the three South American countries to talk about "drug trafficking, citizen security, the crisis in Venezuela and the growing economic prospects ".

A little more than a month ago, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a four-day tour of Latin America, also including Argentina, as well as Ecuador, the United States. Mexico and El Salvador. (Télam)


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