I've discovered what scene represents Buenos Aires in New York – 03/04/2019


The new attraction of Manhattan he's calling Gate of Gulliver and fascinates guys and adults. Stay in Times Square and visit 25 interactive miniature cities. There is Paris, London, Beijing, Rio de Janeiro and a hidden surprise: a picket on the Puente Avellaneda, in Buenos Aires. Minimum, noticeable only for the attentive eyes.

Hidden pearl The Avellaneda bridge and a hidden scene.

Hidden pearl The Avellaneda bridge and a hidden scene.

The scene occupies a good part of the Buenos Aires model where tango dancers, color facades live. Caminitotours Puerto Madero… and a building under construction with another hidden pearl: a sign with the legend "UOCRA present".

UOCRA Present. The flag of the Construction Workers Union. You must look for it with a magnifying glbad.

UOCRA Present. The flag of the Construction Workers Union. You must look for it with a magnifying glbad.

In this New York installation where 50 emblematic miniature cities are reproduced, the urban squares are "activated" by a touch: planes take off, pbades Santa ClausTrains pbad through tunnels and boats navigate the rivers.

Staging. A group of 12-millimeter protesters is confronted by police officers of the same height.

Staging. A group of 12-millimeter protesters is confronted by police officers of the same height.

From the web, they encourage visitors to discover "the hidden gem" of Buenos Aires. They refer to the mini tango show that is activated in Caminito, to the rhythm of tango For a head, interpreted by Carlos Gardel. But nothing says of the iconic image that is observed on the Avellaneda Bridge: a group of protesters clash with the police.

Buenos Aires. Porteño icons on the scale.

Buenos Aires. Porteño icons on the scale.

Watch the Caminito scene in New York:

If you zoom in, you can see some details: one is about to throw a stone, another raises the shirt. On the other side, police training.

For a head. The mini dancers score the two by four to the rhythm of Gardel's tango.

For a head. The mini dancers score the two by four to the rhythm of Gardel's tango.

And there are more details: clothes hanging from the multicolored balconies of The mouth, an improvised barbecue on the side of a road and a neighbor refreshing himself inside a pelopincho. The authors of the mini-city of Buenos Aires and the rest of the Latin American sector are Argentines. From a workshop Pilar, the Martinez family was chosen to recreate the 100 square meters occupied by the continent in the attraction whose investment required 40 million dollars.

Good Pulse The maintenance of each sector requires 200 professionals, including designers, designers and architects.

Good Pulse The maintenance of each sector requires 200 professionals, including designers, designers and architects.

The effect of water on Iguazu Falls, the colors of Ruins of San Ignacio, Typical fishing village, the Amazon River, a field in full activity of corn harvesting, a tractor in full task. All small scale postcards from Argentina.

With magnifying glbad Each mini character is painted by hand.

With magnifying glbad Each mini character is painted by hand.

The Martinez are Ricardo's father and four children, Ricardo Jr., Jorge, Peter and Gabriela. Since 1985, they work together in the company of models Samtrains (South American Models), specialized in trains.

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"We were lucky, we wrote to the CEO of the company, after several exchanges, he came to visit us, he liked our work and gave us the model of Latin America," explains Jorge. . After a year of meticulous work, mountains, ships, buildings and waterfalls arrived packed New York.

The world at your feet. The attraction offers 3D printing workshops.

The world at your feet. The attraction offers 3D printing workshops.

He also arrived intact Panama Cbad with its locks and traps that hold water, Costa Rica's Arenal volcano, favelas, sugar loaf, Christ the Redeemer and the Rio Carnival.

At work Model makers in action.

At work Model makers in action.

In addition to a good ability to compose 12-millimeter characters, the Martinez relied on appliances and technology which they applied in Latin American scenes. Panels that activate lighthouses or light helicopters, LEDs and systems that monitor the bridge that goes up or down, for example.

Cities in motion. When the sensors are activated, the lights are on, the planes take off or specific scenes are activated.

Cities in motion. When the sensors are activated, the lights are on, the planes take off or specific scenes are activated.

"We are self-taught," confesses the Martinez, who is now working against the clock for the award of an attraction that will be installed at Germany.

Caminito Thousands of details to discover in the heart of La Boca.

Caminito Thousands of details to discover in the heart of La Boca.

"When Michael Langer (CEO of Gulliver's Gate) approved the design, we did not hesitate to identify Buenos Aires with tango, but unfortunately, urban manifestations are also part of our peculiarities, such as the tango and the roast, so we included them ", the tip Martinez.

Key in hand. Girl ready to be surprised in front of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Key in hand. Girl ready to be surprised in front of the Brooklyn Bridge.

The biggest challenge to design miniature cities? "The technical problems, the complexity of the mechanisms and computer systems," they explain. Meanwhile, thousands of tourists from around the world are fascinated by the tango mini-show that lights up in Caminito. But not everyone perceives the subtle detail that identifies the B side of Buenos Aires.


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