"I've never attended an event like the Chaco Biennial, it's unique in the world"


Tobel, German Presence at the Biennale

Eight years ago, the German sculptor Tobel received the first prize at the Chaco International Sculpture Biennial. Now he returns to participate in the Grand Prix of Honor, which brings together the previous champions of the Biennial.

"It's much bigger than I was eight years ago," he said. "It was already great at that time, but now it's much more mbadive," said the German, the first day of the contest.

Asked about the place of this sculptural event in the world of art, Tobel has badured that it's one of the most remarkable on the planet. "It's one of the most important biennials in the world I've been in 50 or 60 symposiums around the world but I've never seen anything like this." This is unique and fantastic "

His Work
The German will bring the" Sound of the Universe ", a work that he will do in stone. "Discreet things and sounds move to the center, so they get bigger and stronger," commented Tobel about his work.

"Each individual's imagination opens up to the worlds and the indoor play venues – Sounds of the Universe" can be used as a turntable that in turn works as a However, because it is located in a simple place and because of its aesthetic form, it invites the curious visitor to search and study, "he added.

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