Iztapalapa kidnapper sentenced to 54 years in prison


He was arrested in December 2012 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
He was arrested in December 2012 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

A subject in the Mexico he was sentenced a 54 years in prison by a federal judge: he is accused of being a member of a criminal organization dedicated to removal At the mayor Iztapalapa.

He was identified as Carlos “N”. In accordance with a arrest warrant issued by the Sixth District Court of Federal Criminal Prosecutions, located in the Capital city from the country, it was stopped in December of the year 2012.

Carlos “N” was imprisoned in the Preventive prison for men East when, a few days after his capture, he was delivered formal prison order.

The magistrate’s decision was appealed by the offender before the Fifth Unitary Criminal Court, which quashed the original decision and ordered the proceedings to be reinstated.

Carlos “N” was imprisoned in the men’s preventive prison in Oriente when, a few days after his capture, a formal prison order was issued (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Over eight years have lasted and lasted on judgement against the kidnapper. The test data presented by the The prosecutor’s office General of the Republic (FGR) authorized the Sixth Court district of federal prosecutions will dictate the conviction of 54 years old jail.

In addition, the defendant must pay a fine of 264 thousand 902 weights like damage repair.

Kidnappings on Mexican territory decreased by 14.2% per year in the first half of 2021, when 523 cases were reported, up from 610 during the same period the previous year, the Alto al Secuestro organization reported on July 13.

However, the association recorded a monthly increase of 2.6% in the number of victims in June, when it counted 118.

Despite this monthly increase, the number of search cases decreased by 6.5% in June, with 85 kidnappings investigated, and the number of inmates decreased by 20% to 108.

Kidnappings in Mexican territory fell 14.2% per year in the first half of 2021, when 523 cases were reported, compared to 610 in the same period the previous year (Photo: EFE / Mario Guzmán / Archive)
Kidnappings in Mexican territory fell 14.2% per year in the first half of 2021, when 523 cases were reported, compared to 610 in the same period the previous year (Photo: EFE / Mario Guzmán / Archive)

With the figures for the first half of 2021, Mexico has so far accumulated 3,734 kidnappings during the six-year term of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who took the presidency in December 2018.

Kidnappings so far in his tenure are 38% less than the 6,027 recorded in the same period of Enrique Peña Nieto’s presidency (2012-2018), but 87.4% more than the 1,992 documented during the same period of President Felipe Calderón (2006-2012).

The data means that in Mexico there are four kidnappings per day, 28 per week and 121 per month under the current government.

Only five states concentrate more than half of plagiarism, 54%, led by Veracruz (748), State of Mexico (633), Mexico (312), Puebla (163) and Morelos (155).

The municipalities with the highest incidence are Benito Juárez (Cancún), Quintana Roo; Ecatepec, State of Mexico; Xalapa, Veracruz; the mayor’s office of Iztapalapa, Mexico City, and Reynosa, Tamaulipas.

“Of the 118 victims of kidnapping in June 2021, the authorities counted only 68. They leave out statistics 42% of the victims”, indicates the report (Photo: EFE / File)

The report confirms a downward trend detected by Stop Kidnapping, which in 2020 reported a drop of 39%, with 1,151 of these crimes recorded against 1,887 the previous year.

But the organization warned of a black figure not taken into account by prosecutors or governments.

“Of the 118 victims of kidnapping in June 2021, the authorities counted only 68. They exclude statistics 42% of the victims”, presented the report.

In addition, the association indicated that the federal authorities assist only 5% of the victims, while the rest correspond to the states.

Mexico recorded the two most violent years in its history in the first part of the López Obrador government with 34,682 murder victims in 2019 and 34,554 in 2020.


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