Jackal sentenced to 202 years in prison for drowning his autistic children in order to take out insurance the chronicle


A man was sentenced Thursday to 212 years in prison for the murder of his two autistic children, who drowned after deliberately throwing the family car overboard in the port of Los Angeles, United States, to collect the insurance money.

Ali Elmezayen, 45, waited until April 9, 2015, when the grace period on the last of many insurance policies her family had taken out, to commit the crime, the Los Angeles prosecution said in a statement. communicated.

In the back of his car were his children, 8 and 13, both with severe autism, who were wearing seat belts when they fell into the water and drowned., according to the press agency AFP.

The car I used in the accident was pulled out of the water.

Rehab Diab, ex-wife of Ali Elmezayen, who was in the front seat of the car, couldn’t swim and could have drowned if a fisherman hadn’t thrown him a float. The jackal easily got out of the car through the window he had left open and swam to the dock.

As a result of what happened, collected more than $ 260,000 in compensation from the insurance taken out in the event of the death of their children and invested the sum in the purchase of real estate in Egypt, your country of origin, as well as on a ship.

The judge John walter sentenced Ali Elmezayen to the maximum penalty provided for by law, stressing in his sentence the “evil plans” Yes “the vicious and ruthless nature of his crimes”.

“He is the biggest crook and liar (…) His only regret is to have been caught”said the magistrate, who ordered the “greedy killer” to return the money to the insurance companies.

The prosecutor’s office believes the man had long planned to kill his children and wife and abused all three physically and emotionally.

Between July 2012 and March 2013, Ali Elmezayen had taken out life insurance for his family from eight different companies, for a total of more than three million dollars. He was paying $ 6,000 per year in premiums even though he reported annual income below $ 30,000.


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