Jaime Bayly: "Before I die, I would like my mother to accept me"


Jaime Bayly: "Before I die, I would like my mother to accept me"


The famous Peruvian writer and journalist
Jaime Bayly recognized
THE NATION who feels far removed from his parents to the point of considering himself an "exile and intruder" in his own family. "I felt that I was not in my shoes," he said. And he confessed, "Before my mother or I left, I would like it to accept me as imperfect as I am."

As he said during an interview with the psychologist and the driver of
New therapiesDiego Sehinkman, he was very marked by the relationship with his parents. And he deepens: "My mother wanted me to be a priest and my father, I think he wanted me to be a soldier, or at least looks like him: a gun collector, a hunter and a safari lover. I could not be a priest or animal hunter, I tried but could not, so I was a double disappointment for my parents. "

Bayly recalled that her mother had asked her questions such as, "Why did you go to commune with us?" or "what horrible sin did you commit?" "I had to confess to her, I had to tell her that I was badd and that it was devastating for her." She asked me not to do it, but at age 12 or 13, how stop doing it, is not it? "

For this reporter, the best interview that he made in his life was her. "We are laughingly talking about everything that divides us: from her faith and my doubts, from her certainty that I should be president of the nation and my skepticism about it, from my books that she does not have. She has never been able to finish off my books, and they are enough. "From 1994 to today, he has published 20 books, including novels, tales, poetry and chronicles.

Jaime Bayly: "I had used to take a lot of pills, I do not know how I did not kill myself from an overdose"


Then Bayly turned, "Before I die, I would like my mother to tell me," I read your book and I liked it. I arrived at the end. I laughed, it moved me or I did not dislike it. "I would like her to tell me that, but up to here I have not been able." According to her, even though she says, "Enough write about me," he does so because he loves her and thinks of her all the time.

"A failed one"

The relationship with his father was also a reflection of his convictions and pbadions. "He asked me to shoot a deer and I had the deer in sight, but I could not pull the trigger," he said. For the journalist, he "found himself too thin, sensitive and delicate". "That offended my father," he says.

He added: "He told me painful things, mainly that I was not a man, that I was a girl or a dancer and that I was going to be a flop and a loser. " He said his father "divides the world between winners and losers". "He had no confidence in me," he says.

"I do not know how I did not kill myself from an overdose"

In the interview he also stated that "celebrity is a dangerous poison". "Losing anonymity and giving your spirit to the cannibal tribe we are is a high risk, they will devour you and you will not be what you were, and maybe you will miss it." As he thought, he survived this system. "I ate them, I'm also a cannibal."

"I'm happier than ever," he said. However, Bayly confessed that before meeting his wife Silvia, "he did not want to live anymore". "I did not see any sense in my life, I took a lot of pills every night because I did not want to wake up anymore, I do not know how I did not kill myself after an overdose. "

Jaime Bayly: "Cristina would not have taken as many votes as Alberto had"

Jaime Bayly: "Cristina would not have taken as many votes as Alberto had"


Regarding the political landscape of the country, Bayly said that he would ask Mauricio Macro if he would stay in politics if he lost and to Alberto Fernández why he was not living at home. "When a friend lends you his house, you are indebted to it and it is not good to owe favors when you become President of the Nation.Let him pay his bills himself," was -he adds.

In addition, he said: "Cristina was very far-sighted in choosing him and he was a great candidate, Cristina would not have taken so many votes." And he continued: "Alberto is not a puppet, I think he'll rule it." For this intellectual, "the bomb that Cristina has left has already exploded Macri, and Macri will not leave a bomb activated on Alberto, but it will leave him a much healthier economy than the one he had received four years ago."

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