Jaime Bayly: "Cristina is a melodramatic actress and Argentina is a madhouse"


he Peruvian writer and journalist Jaime Bayly is visiting Argentina and took the opportunity to badyze the political and economic news of the country, after the victory of Alberto Fernández within the PAHO and the sharp escalation of the dollar. In dialogue with Two voices, attacked the figure of the former president pointing out that "she is a melodramatic actress"and said that he" is looking for impunity. "

Bayly did not hesitate to catalog Argentina "as a great asylum" wrapped in great uncertainty: "You never know how it will be for next week".

Asked about the result of the PASO elections, in which Alberto Fernández had obtained 47% of the votes against 32% of Mauricio Macri, the Peruvian journalist based in Miami has not stopped expressing his surprise at the overwhelming victory of Kirchnerism. "I could not imagine the blows they would inflict, is defeated (by Macri), I think he has mismanaged, I supported him and I still support him but as a failed handler"he said.

Speaking of a possible Fernández government, the writer chose to convey the tranquility and said: "It will not be the apocalypse." In this regard, he stressed that Fernandez had to make an important decision in case he came to power. "You will have to determine if you want to rule with Cristina Kirchner, Máximo (Kirchner), La Campora, Axel (Kicillof), or if you go to uncheck them and work with more rational people. He's a man of character who does not have a puppet vocation, "he said.

In this part of the interview, he was very critical with regard to Cristina Kirchner 's figure. "She is a melodramatic actressHe promised the Argentines that if they won, they would all be happy, but that the happiness of an individual could not depend on a politician, "he said.

During the campaign, the supposed similarity of Argentina with Venezuela was one of the topics of debate. First, it is the ruling party's postulants who have accused Kirchner of having a position close to Chavism, although after the victory at PASO, the opponents themselves have put this country in the va-and – elections happen. "The closest thing to Venezuela is Argentina today."Sergio Mbada said in the dialogue with TN.

This last sentence, for Bayly, is wrong. "Chavez Venezuela has never been so close to Argentina as during the last years of Cristina Kirchner's government.. There was price control, extremely irresponsible broadcasts, nationalizations, Kicillof himself was a Chavez economy minister who left the Central Bank unreservedly, "said the reporter.


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