Jaime Bayly: "Maduro's wife went to Punta Cana on a plane that Putin sent her, and then the dictator left when they took her"


Jaime Bayly

Peruvian journalist Jaime Bayly said yesterday that the wife of

Nicolás Maduro,

Cilia Flores, left Venezuela on a plane provided by the President of the Russian Federation,

Vladimir Poutine,

headed for Punta Cana. "The dictator would go away if he took him out," Bayly said.

"Maduro was not going to go to Cuba, he was going to go where his wife is now: Punta Cana The flight is short from Caracas to Punta Cana Maduro's wife was in a Bombaridier plane that Putin had sent him At 8 o'clock in the evening and landing at 10 o'clock, "said the reporter on his TV show" Bayly ".

"And why Punta Cana? Because the Maduro have bought a house in a luxurious district, Capcana, endowed with a flawless security, and also count on the complicity of the Dominican left government.They bought a mansion of 18 million The wife of Maduro is now and the dictator would leave if they took him outside, "said the reporter.

For his part, Bayly presented his explanation of what happened with "Operation Libertad", the plan of the president in charge.

Juan Guaidó

and the reference of the opposition

Leopoldo Lopez

occupy power


"Someone discovered that the plan was underway, then they advanced quickly, some have not kept their promises and the operation, for now, has failed," he said. he declared.

"But the United States is determined that this crisis will end quickly," added Bayly. "Very important things will happen next week in Venezuela," said the president of the United States in an interview with Fox.

Donald Trump.

The truth is that our American friends must intervene in Venezuela. It's an unequal struggle, they are defenseless citizens against a state of terror, "he said.


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