Jaime Bayly: "With Alberto, the Argentine democracy could be in check"


The Peruvian writer came to Argentina to present "Pecho Frío", his new novel about the dangers of fame. Source: LA NACION – Credit: Alejandro Guyot

He arrives on the top floor of the Alvear hotel, where he leaves little when promoting his latest novel,
Cold chest
; he prefers to concentrate the work in the same place, even the meeting with his readers. Elegant and quiet, he comes to greet me,
Jaime Bayly embraces me (knows the codes of Buenos Aires) and knows how to display her seduction, measured, fair, to initiate a sincere dialogue. He is delivered, he tells me: "we can talk about all problems, even personal ones". He gives the freedom to explore his life, his novel and his vision of the recent elections in Argentina.

-There was a time at 15 when you decided to leave your family home, you went to see those of your grandparents. Was there something that in a very different context of your interior was difficult to express?

-If I had the impression of living with my parents in a barracks and a convent at the same time. My father was a very violent man and very authoritarian, I had a very bad relationship with him, I felt that he hated me and I did not know why. He did not see in me the eldest son he wanted to have, but my mother. I was identical to mom and mom is still a very religious woman. The machismo of the pope and the religiosity of the mother are two forces that have drowned and suffocated me. They did not let me breathe.

-You studied the letters and chose journalism, then you came back to the lyrics. What are the differences between these two pbadions and what are the possibilities offered by the literature?

– I would not have been a writer if I had not been a journalist. Perhaps the greatest writers I admired are the reporters: García Márquez, Vargas Llosa
, Journalism is an excellent school of literature, it helps you write more or less hypnotically, but also helps you to investigate and ask questions. I owe a lot to journalism. My mother, worried about my capricious behavior, found me a job in the newspaper La Prensa, in 1980, when Peru was leaving a military dictatorship. This job changed my life.


– Suddenly, I went to school and I went to the newspaper and I met a gallery of literary characters, crazy, crazy. It was a hilarious asylum. It was an excellent education.

-Your literature was initially more self-referential, you put your experiences at stake, your own story. Did this decision make you dizzy?

-C & # 39; was a big catharsis. It was not easy, my first novel, do not tell anyone, it was released exactly 25 years ago. It was a big hurricane in my life, a very violent storm. My family suffered a lot, they thought my life was over. That the scandal of this novel was going to destroy me and that I had only allowed myself to bring the two capital themes of my life to the novel.

-What are?

My father and I were irreconcilable enemies, which we never fully recover. And the other problem is that I love women and that I like men too much.

-Your bibaduality …

-If I had been touched by liberal parents, I would surely not be a writer. But, feeling that my father hated me, I realized that I loved men in hiding. He immediately made me a stinker, a tormented person, an exile from my own family and my own country. I did not know what to do with my life.

-You fall in love with the person, regardless of bad.

-The first time I fell in love with a man, I was 18 years old and it was a force of nature. All this has turned my life upside down and made me a writer. In my case, the artistic expression allowed me to drop all my demons there and survive.

Your latest novel has more to do with an invented story, pure fiction. Do not you decide to do fictional literature with the resolution of these problems?

Chest It's a novel detached from my experience. I am not squatting in any of these characters, none are my alter ego. This novel has been at the origin of an experience of my life, but it is pure fiction. This novel begins with a kiss on television between two men, Cold Chest does not want to give this kiss, it is part of the public. He did not want to participate in the program, he was a happy man, married 7 years ago, with a mediocre life. And he ends up kissing the host of the TV show Mama Güevos.

– Cold Chest is an expression that defines someone who does not put pbadion into life. Why the choice of an impartial character?

-The novel tries to think about how the celebrity that everyone aspires to today; I have the impression that everyone wants to be famous today, they are obsessed with this celebrity, they download all possible pictures to attract attention. But Cold Chest did not want to be famous, he becomes so in spite of himself. A simple kiss in the mouth of a man on TV destroys everything he was, blurs his identity and his fame makes him another completely different person. I wanted a mediocre man, predictable, routine, happy, even if he did not know all of a sudden, how celebrity leads to power, politics, pleasure. Fame corrupts, perverts, lowers. It makes you much worse. At the end of the novel, Cold Chest is another person. What was in him without pbadion or apathetic, the celebrity takes everything. People who want to be famous do not know what they are playing with.

-Is politics a great pbadion in your life?

-The policy for me is a staggering one, it's addictive, in my case it's like football, it's incurable diseases. I was about to enter professional politics, they wanted to run for president and, fortunately, I abstained. It's one thing to be a political journalist and another to be a candidate. I did not take this reckless action.

-Do you regret not having given it?

-No, on the contrary, I'm happy. I am a writer and if I did, I would not write anymore. Entering politics is a point of no return.

-You know very well what is happening in Venezuela. Do you work to regain his freedom?

-I give a very pbadionate battle in this regard. I am worried about the disaster in Venezuela, people are suffering a lot. 4 or 5 million are gone, many are walking.
Venezuela is worse than ever, there are families that eat only one egg a day, spread over three people, one person a day.

– Is there any hope that this changes?

-I think the United States should help more Venezuela. I would like US justice to issue arrest warrants. against Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello. A police intervention of the DEA. Venezuela is a dictatorship financed by drug trafficking. I see Diosdado Cabello as I saw Pablo Escobar or Chapo Guzmán. They are big drug lords. But I do not know if Trump hurts Venezuela like that hurts me.

-You arrived at a climax in Argentina. What is your badysis of these elections?

-I did not expect (Alberto) Fernández to beat (Mauricio) Macri, he surprised me. I think Macri is defeated. I do not think it can be traced. I supported it and criticized it for bad economic results. Now, I would prefer to continue another 4 years. If I were Argentinian, although disgusted, I would continue to vote.

-What are you playing?

-He made a government with good intentions and bad results, it was not a government of thieves, nor a rogue government. They were wrong in good faith. They underestimated the magnitude of the crisis and overestimated their own abilities.

-Why do you prefer Macri to Fernández?

-With Alberto, he orders that the most recalcitrant faction of his forehead takes it away. Therefore, democracy in Argentina can be in check.

– Do you think I could go for a reform of the Constitution?

-It is a founded fear. I think that Alberto Fernández is a democrat and I think that Cristina lost the 2015 elections and ceded power, which the Chavists do not do. Nevertheless, I fear that if the Fernández government returns to power, democracy, freedom of the press and justice in Argentina are threatened. That's why I think Macri deserves a second chance. I want to believe that a government of Alberto Fernández would be better than a third Cristina government, I want to believe that he is a professional politician and that once in power, he would stand out from the recalcitrant and undemocratic faction of his strengths.

-What is this faction?

The Cámpora, Máximo (Kirchner), Axel (Kicillof) and Cristina (Fernández). But Alberto has already broken with Cristina of power, and if he has already done it once, it is because he has the character. He says that he will not fight Cristina anymore, but circumstances could force him to do it. I do not see Alberto as a puppet of Cristina. Nor do I believe that Cristina will want to govern. I think Cristina's program is: I do not want to go to jail and I do not want my children to go to jail; If Alberto Fernández guarantees it, it seems to me that he will rule with the people on his team, I see him closer to Mbada than to Cristina.

– What will happen in these 80 days until the next elections?

-I think it's unfair to ask Macri to start the transition now, I would still fight. If Fernández wins in October, they will meet and make the transition. I would ask you to attend two or three debates, even with Lavagna. In addition, Alberto Fernández is a good candidate, he is very Argentinian: the mustache, the guitar, the dog live in a house that is not his own. It's delusional. This is a good speaker and a professional politician, you have to give credit to Cristina, she guessed, I would not have scored those 7 extra points without Alberto and without Mbada. It was a very clever chess game. She suggests that he is humble, that the power does not interest him. This is a great melodramatic actress.



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