Jaime Duran Barba rejects a radical vice and admits that Macri is equal with Cristina – 04/07/2019


Jaime Durán Barba, Mauricio Macri's star consultant, rejected the idea that the formula allowing the President to be re-elected would be supplemented by a vice-president of the Radical Civic Union.

Velasco Ibarra was elected five times President of Ecuador and shot four times by the Vice President, defining him as "a determined conspirator". It is inadvisable for the president to trust the person in the vice-presidency.", badyzed in a report published in the newspaper Perfil

In Mexico, the problem was so acute that they eliminated the position of vice president. Macri will have to choose him someone who is trustworthy for this post"he added.

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A few days ago, it was announced that the president was preparing to take a radicalist vote to quell the DUC's demands on the economic situation.

The Ecuadorian adviser also ruled out that the DUC could break the change and leave behind the possible candidacy of Roberto Lavagna.

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He badyzed that some radical leaders looked like leftists and others of the right and compared them to Peronists. "What they call movements made up of people with …", chicaneó.

Durán Barba again stressed Cristina Kirchner's "merits" and said that with Macri "they are side by side" in the presidential elections.

And he felt that a defeat in Kirchnerism would mean a "rearrangement of the entire political scene", before the loss of the senator's leadership of the citizens unity.

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Asked about the October election scenario and about the possible reelection of Macri, he replied: "I have the impression that it is happening the same way as other things." In society as a whole, things permeate every day, society changes every day. , faster and faster since 2007, when a series of platforms changed everything. And I think that there are more and more people here who are also connecting with the world and saying no, that there is a society in which they spend pictures of journalists It does not seem logical to me that there is a society in which there is a demonstration claiming guerrilla warfare … I think that That's the only one left"

While anticipating that the direction of the economy will improve. "It seems like the economy will improve, That the harvest is very good, there is concrete data "

"What I think that if there is a reelection, some basics have been laid for that after the economy can be built in earnest. It is impossible for us to have more poor people than other countries that have much less, "he concluded.


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