Jair Bolsonaro and another controversial line: “Brazil is bankrupt, there is nothing I can do”


Jair Bolsonaro said today that Brazil is “broken” and that he can do nothing to get out of the crisis caused by the pandemic, amid questions about the end of special aid granted to 68 million people and data on the increase in the number of families living in poverty.

Brazil is broke, I can’t do nothing, affirmed the Brazilian president while speaking with far-right activists and evangelical activists at the door of the Palacio de la Alvorada, the presidential residence.

Bolsonaro said his goal was to change income tax categories in 2020 and the pandemic of coronavirus He prevented it, in addition to blaming the press.

“I wanted to change the income tax categories, the virus came, potentiated by these means of communication that we have. It means characterless. It’s hard work trying to wear down to get us out of here [del Gobierno] and take care of interests that they cannot reveal, ”the president said.

he the government decided not to renew the grants given to companies take back part of the wages in exchange for maintaining jobs and emergency aid of 120 dollars per month this had been approved by Congress, which by the third quarter of the year had reduced poverty rates to 1980 levels.

he end of emergency aid, added to economic crisis What raised the unemployment rate to 14.3% at the end of 2020, also has its correlate in the number of families living in poverty, according to the Department of Citizenship.

The number of families requesting state aid has steadily increased since 2016, time of political economic megacrisis in which President Dilma Rousseff was sacked and Vice President assumed Michel Temer, until 2019, he did Bolsonaro.

As of October 2020, 39.9 million people were in extreme poverty in Brazil, including those living on up to 89 reais per month ($ 16) for each family member.

Since Bolsonaro came to power, 1.3 million families have fallen into poverty, according to data from the Ministry of Citizenship. In February 2016, 11,898,567 families were living in poverty and in October 2020, 14,058,673.

The president made the statements in the middle of his bet the “Centrao”, a group of traditional right-wing parties, won the election to the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies with Arthur Lira, from the Progressive Party (PP).

Her rival is Baleia Rossi, of the Brazilian Democracy Movement, an ally of former President Michel Temer who brought together Bolsonaro, including the Workers’ Party and other leftist forces such as the work of Ciro Gomes.

he PT He appeared divided in taking a stand and made it clear that he will not be an ally of the right-wing economic agenda, although if he wins, he could have weight in the decisions of the legislature supporting Rossi.


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