Jair Bolsonaro and Lula da Silva are technically tied ahead of Brazil’s 2022 presidential elections


Jair Bolsonaro and Lula da Silva
Jair Bolsonaro and Lula da Silva

The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro; and the former head of state Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are in a situation of dead heat before the presidential elections of 2022. According to a survey conducted by the Paraná Research Institute, the difference between the two is narrow, in favor of the current president in the first round and the former president in the ballot.

The study, commissioned by the Social Liberal Party (PSL), was carried out between 11 and 15 June. According to See, was commissioned by the political party to test the image of the presenter José Luiz Datena and his possible candidacy.

The communicator was affiliated with the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB) until April of this year, but at the moment he has no party. According to the aforementioned media, the PSL and MDB teams were debating the creation of a common government plan. However, they have not yet defined whether they will launch a single application.

José Luiz Datena
José Luiz Datena

According to the survey, the difference between Bolsonaro and Lula is very narrow with a small advantage for the current head of state in the first round. The president has 34.3% of the voting intentions, while the leader of the Workers’ Party (PT) reaches 32.5%. They are in a technical equality situation since the margin of error is plus / minus two percentage points.

For its part, Datena would be third with 7.5%, followed by Ciro Gomes of PDT (5.8%); João Doria, of the PSDB (3.4%); Luiz Henrique Mandetta, from DEM (3.2%); and Senator Simone Tebet of the BMD (1.1%).

Ciro Gomes (REUTERS / Sergio Moraes)
Ciro Gomes (REUTERS / Sergio Moraes)

Of those polled, 8.6% said they would vote blank, none, or contest their vote and 3.6% did not respond.

In a hypothetical election scenario, the numbers would be even more limited but with a small difference in favor of Lula. The metallurgist reaches 40.2%, while Bolsonaro reaches 40%.

Joao Doria (REUTERS / Amanda Perobelli)
Joao Doria (REUTERS / Amanda Perobelli)

One point to keep in mind is that while Bolsonaro and Lula are in the lead, they also have high rejection rates. 50.4% said they would not vote for the president at all, while 49.7% said the same about the former president. The most rejected in this regard is João Doria, the governor of São Paulo, with 57.2%.

Finally, Bolsonaro and Lula have the most determined percentages of voters: 27.4% said they would definitely vote for the current head of state, while 26.4% said the same in relation to the leader of the Workers’ Party.


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