Jair Bolsonaro announced he would appoint ‘terribly evangelical’ judge to Supreme Court of Justice


Jair Bolsonaro (REUTERS / Ueslei Marcelino)
Jair Bolsonaro (REUTERS / Ueslei Marcelino)

The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, said on Saturday that he would keep his promise to appoint a judge next July “terribly evangelicalTo fill one of the eleven seats of the Supreme Court.

Holidays at the Supreme Federal Court go through me. The last word is not mine, it comes from the Senate, but you already know that July 4 and 5“I will choose a name”terribly evangelicalThe president said to a group of worshipers at the gates of his official residence in Brasilia.

Bolsonaro pointed out that you already have a candidate in mind, although he did not reveal his name, although according to the Brazilian press it appears to be André Mendonca, former Minister of Justice in his government and current State Attorney General.

As I said once, can you imagine that the sessions of the Federal Court began with a conviction of this magistrate?», Declared the head of state.

God is essential everywhere and the Supreme is a place which … I don’t know what the superlative of the essential is, does anyone know what the superlative of the essential is there ? Essential? Must be…“, He added.

In power since January 1, 2019, Bolsonaro already appointed Conservative and Catholic Judge Kassio Nunes Marques in October last year for the place left by the dean of the high court José Celso de Mello, with progressive ideas.

The election of Nunes Marques then frustrated sectors of the far right and leaders of Pentecostal churches who hoped that Bolsonaro’s promise in 2019 to appoint a “terribly evangelical” judge would come true, which it appears to be. ‘he will accomplish this time.

Next July, Bolsonaro will have to name a replacement for Marco Aurélio Mello, Supreme Court judge since June 1990, who will retire just a week before turning 75, the age limit for judges in Brazil.

However, the name chosen by the Brazilian ruler must be approved by the Committee on Constitution and Justice of the Senate, which will question the candidate, and later the plenary session of the Upper House.

Teacher Christiane Casali, 53, receives a dose of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine in Rio de Janeiro (REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes)
Teacher Christiane Casali, 53, receives a dose of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine in Rio de Janeiro (REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes)

Brazil now supports patent negotiations for COVID-19 vaccines

In another order, Brazil, one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, changed position by announcing support for vaccine patent release negotiations on Friday against COVID-19, promoted by the United States.

The Brazilian government said in a statement that it had received “with satisfaction the arrangement“From the United States to negotiate, within the World Trade Organization (WTO), a” multilateral solution “to” increase the production and distribution of supplies and vaccines “at the global level.

The new position of Bolsonaro’s executive was disclosed in a joint memorandum from the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Economy, Health, and Science and Technology.

The day before, the Brazilian chancellor, Carlos Francesaid in a public hearing in the Senate that government was against suspension of COVID-19 vaccine patents, But predicted that they might change their mind in case it is in the interest of the country.

In the same vein, the head of the Health portfolio said: Marcelo Queiroga, by declaring in a parliamentary commission investigating possible “omissions” of the Bolsonaro government in the fight against the health crisis.

However, The South American country is now changing its position, the same day its foreign minister held a virtual meeting with US Foreign Trade Representative Katherine Tai.

“Brazil shares the goal expressed by ‘Tai’ of ‘providing safe and effective vaccines to as many people as possible in the shortest possible time,” the government said.

“Brazil will discuss in more depth with the United States its new position and its practical implications to facilitate broad and urgent access to vaccines and drugs to fight against COVID-19,” the statement added.

However, the government stressed that “in any environment“, it will be “fundamental” count on “the commitment, cooperation and association ”of vaccine manufacturers with the aim of“ making their production viable in Brazil and other developing countries“.

In this context, he informed that he will consult all his international partners, as well as with the “private sector”, to “develop the multilateral agreements necessary for a rapid and safe production and distribution of vaccines”.

(With information from EFE)


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