Jair Bolsonaro asked Brazilian businessmen to collaborate in the re-election of Macri


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday urged his country's businessmen to prevent the "old left" from returning to Argentina after the victory of PASS Alberto Fernández. For the president, the big difference of primary "can be reversed".

During an event organized in the Brasilia Congress Center by the employer of Brazilian steelmakers, Bolsonaro he called the businessmen to ask them to help stop the advance of the Front candidate of all.

"I think this case can be reversed in Argentina. To all the gentlemen who are here and who can help, I ask you to collaborate in this matter. We do not support Mauricio Macri, we just want this old left does not come back to power. And if the road were to support Macri, so be it, "said Bolsonaro.

According to the president, the simple fact of the first results had a strong effect on the markets, not only from Argentina but from several countries in the region (including Brazil), which suffered a sharp decline after confirming the advantage of Fernández over Macri in the presidential dispute.

The formula of Alberto Fernández with Cristina Kirchner got 47.65% of the votes in the primaries, against 32.08% obtained by the current head of state alongside Miguel Ángel Pichetto.

In the event, Bolsonaro said that, when he came to power, the opposition candidate will face resistance to economic openness provided for in the Free Trade Agreement between Mercosur and the European Union.

Over the weekend, Alberto said that when he arrived at the presidency, will seek to improve relations with Brazil, which does not intend to close the Argentine economy to its "best trading partner" and that Mercosur was at the center of its concerns.

But Bolsonaro has repeatedly supported the re-election of Macri and warned of the possible consequences that he believes could lead to the return to power of the left in Argentina, throw strong criticism of Cristina's figure.


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