Jair Bolsonaro "asks God" that Cristina Kirchner does not return to power – 05/02/2019


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, expressed its opinion on the current situation in Argentina and reiterated on Thursday that Cristina Kirchner Back in power, Argentina will become a Venezuela for which "he asked God" to prevent his return.

So, the president has ratified his support to Mauricio Macri and again expressed concern over the possible return to power of Peronism in the October presidential elections, particularly Cristina, who has not yet confirmed the eventual launch of the race.

"With the return of Cristina Kirchner – I ask God not to arrive – our beloved Argentina will become a Venezuela"Bolsonaro said during a statement on his Facebook account.

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Bolsonaro pointed out that Cristina "is linked" to former Brazilian presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, in Cuba and Venezuela from Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, whom she blamed on the economic decline of the region.

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"I hope our Argentine brothers are aware of this. If Macri is not well, patience, struggle to improve, or (choose) someone of your rank, but what can not be is that Cristina come back, "he added.

Bolsonaro recalled that during the election campaign last year, he had already warned voters that if the Labor Party led by Lula won the elections, Brazil would also become a Venezuela.

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The Brazilian government insisted that the movement led by Juan Guaidó "has not been defeated" and repeated that "Venezuela will do everything possible, within the limits" to return to a normal life.

Source: EFE


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