Jair Bolsonaro criticized again Alberto Fernández: "By him, the people take their money in the bank"


A week after the STEP elections in which Alberto Fernández had taken more than 15 points ahead of Mauricio Macri, the Brazilian president returned to protest against the presidential candidate of the Front de Tous. "With the possible return of the San Pablo Forum group in Argentina, now people are taking out their money from the banks en mbade", wrote the president of Brazil on his Twitter account.

In addition, Jair Bolsonaro said that "Argentina is, by populism, to get closer to Venezuelawhile in the next publication, in the same social network, he paraphrased the Bible: "Whoever plows his land will have much food; he who pursues his fantasies will be filled with misery. "

– Da serie JOÃO 8:32 (4)

– With the return of the Forum of São Paulo in Argentina, agora or Povo takes, in Mbada, its two banks. In Argentina, hair populism, each time closer to Venezuela.

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) August 18, 2019

This is the third time that Bolsonaro expresses about the country after the primaries last Sunday. He first warned that he "did not want the Argentines to flee" to Brazil and that he then called the front of all "leftist bandits".

However, the strongest message about the political movement in Argentina was launched by the country's finance minister, who was threatening the possibility that Brazil leaves Mercosur in case Kirchnerism reigns again. "If Cristina arrives and closes the economy, we will", said Paulo Guedes at an event organized by a private bank in São Paulo.

The response of Alberto Fernández has arrived in the last hours, indicating that Mercosur is "a central place" for Argentina and that Brazil is the "main partner" and "will continue to be", says President Bolsonaro clearly.

"If Bolsonaro thinks I'm going to close the economy and Brazil will leave Mercosur, stay calm because I will not close the economy. It's an idiotic discussion, "said Fernandez in an interview at The nation.

The candidate also clarified that he was not opposed to the conclusion of trade agreements by Mercosur with other blocks, although he warned that this should be done protecting national interests.


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