Jair Bolsonaro criticized the wave of protests against …


President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro criticized the wave of protests in the country to denounce racist violence. The President asserted during his virtual speech at the G20 Leaders’ Summit that Brazil’s “spirit” is the result of a “diverse culture” among whites, blacks and Indians. However, he made no mention of the the death occurred Thursday in Porto Alegre (south) of a black man at the hands of supermarket security guards beat him severely. The Brazilian right-wing leader argued that they try to divide the brazilian people. “We are not perfect, we have our problems. A united people is a sovereign people, but divided, it is vulnerable and a vulnerable people can be more easily controlled and subdued, ”Bolsonaro added.

The president claimed to have defended national character in the face of an attempt to import tensions unrelated to the country’s history. “Brazil has a diverse culture, unique among nations. We are a mixed people: Whites, Blacks and Indians have built the body and mind of a rich and wonderful people.“In a single Brazilian family we can contemplate a greater diversity than in whole countries and it is the essence of this people that has won the sympathy of the world”, added Bolsonaro, who did not mention the death. by Joao Alberto Silveira Freitas 40-year-old, held on the eve of Black Awareness Day, according to the president, they seek to destroy the essence of the Brazilian people. “In their place, they seek to place conflict, resentment, hatred and division between races, always masked as fighting for equality or social justice, but all in search of power», Indicated the president.

For the president, the freedom of Brazilians is not negotiable. “As a man and president, I see everyone with the same colors: green and yellow (those of the flag). There is no better skin color than another. What exists are human beings: good and bad. It is our choices and our values ​​that will determine which of the two groups we include ourselves in, but those who incite people to discord, create and promote conflict, threaten the nation and our own history, ”he said in his speech.

In a video released ahead of the first session of heads of state, Bolsonaro said: “From the start, we knew that we had to deal with health and the economy simultaneously. Time has proven that we are right. “In turn, he maintained that his administration was firmly committed to working for economic growth.”Cooperation in the field of the G20 is essential to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic and return to the path of economic and social recovery“said the retired Brazilian army.


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