Jair Bolsonaro en campaña: reviews of Lula da Silva …


Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro (Photo), attacked this Friday against the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Argentina, Venezuela and Communism, in an act of cession of land to the peasants which received a clear electoral nuance. Already thinking of the presidential elections of October 2022, in which he will aspire to be re-elected, Bolsonaro has condemned Lula’s intention to run for president again and, without citing him by name, has “thief who wants to be a candidate”.

“See what is happening in the world. They know that a bad choice can lead people to misfortune,” said the leader of the Brazilian far right. “So it was with (Hugo) Chávez and (Nicolás) Maduro in Venezuela” and “in Argentina, they also made a bad choice”, he underlined in clear reference to the current president, Alberto Fernández, of progressive tendency. “We don’t want that for us, but it will depend on what you choose in 2022,” insisted Bolsonaro, who stressed that “Communism has not worked anywhere in the world and it will not be installed in Brazil”.

The event took place in a municipality in the state of Maranhao, whose governor is Flavio Dino, of the Communist Party and which was also criticized by the leader.
“They must have an aversion to communism,” which “creates equality only in despair, hunger and misery, destroys families and religions,” said Bolsonaro, who assured that in 2022, when new governors will also be elected, “he said Maranhao. will be freed from this scourge.”

Bolsonaro again criticized the closures of economic activities decided by governors and mayors to contain the contagion of the coronavirus, which in Maranhao were particularly severe, assured that “they had no proven scientific effectiveness” and argued that they are applied to “oppress people.”

The president made no allusion to the health situation in the country, which has nearly 445,000 deaths from covid-19 and is, according to specialists, on the verge of facing a new wave of pandemic. He also did not mention the identification in Brazil of the first case of the aggressive Indian variant, detected this Thursday precisely in Maranhao, and this is in addition to the British, South African and Amazonian strains, which have been circulating in the country for months.


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