Jair Bolsonaro, fast and furious: "Enough road radars"


President Jair Bolsonaro has confirmed his intention to finish speed radars on the roads of Brazil, and pointed out in a TV program that, since there were court decisions of first instance against this measure, "What we are going to do is not install new ones, and when the installed radar contracts expire, we will not renew them."

"It is time that in Brazil we find the pleasure of driving", said the president with a smile and his usual tone triggering controversy, challenging those who opposed the measure with a specific fact: "this year, with fewer radars, at Easter, the number of fatal accidents was lower than the year before ".

"They invented that the radars were placed on the routes to protect the lives of the drivers, but these are just slot machines to get money out of the city, and when the money is taken by the truckers, for example, he is then paid on the gondolas.", Stressed Bolsonaro in statements taken by UOL and other media of the neighboring country.

Bolsonaro pointed out that his government, through the Ministry of Infrastructure "already rejected 8,000 orders for new installations" sensors on the routes.

The Bolsonaro anti-standards announcement has generated, as usual, opinions for and against the citizens of the neighboring country. "When we said we wanted to eliminate the radars, the media warned that" the number of accidents and deaths would increase. " Good, during Holy Week, road accidents dropped by 11%. If they had increased, the fault would be mine. While they were coming down, the press did not say anything, "said Bolsonaro.

The Minister of Infrastructure of Brazil, Tarcisio de Freitas, has ratified that its region "no longer allows for new installations" of radars, while the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo stressed that the family of the Brazilian president accumulates dozens of fines for traffic violations In recent years, the majority in Rio de Janeiro, because of excessive speed.

Recently, the Brazilian president has also sparked controversy by vetoing an announcement of an official bank, a situation that even led to layoffs within the entity:

And coming back to the car theme last year, before taking for granted, Bolsonaro had also demonstrated against the "Mercosur vehicle patents"in the caller "a derivation of this Bolivarian idea of ​​'Patria Grande'".

In this regard, he added that he would put the subject under study "Because I think these plates will only bring inconvenience and more expense to vehicle owners" in Brazil.

H. B.


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