Jair Bolsonaro has asked the court to quash the c …


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, this Friday hardened its stance against restrictions to contain the coronavirus and He appealed to the Supreme Court to limit the power to suspend the economic activities of governors and mayors.

In the context of the strong health crisis that the country is going through, with a average of 2,000 deaths per day over the past two weeks, the government turned to the Supreme Court to demand that local decrees restricting the activities and movement of people be pre-approved by regional or municipal legislatures.

In practice, this would bureaucratize and even delay decision-making on these measures, which Bolsonaro has opposed since the start of the pandemic, convinced that “unemployment and hunger kill as much as the virus”.

Likewise, the president announced that he would not intervene in the event of an epidemic of civil disobedience against the quarantines imposed by the governors in the face of the health collapse.

“My army is not going to take to the streets to comply with the governors’ (quarantine) decrees. If people decide to go into civil disobedience, I will not hand over the army to them, not even by order of the Pope. “, threatened supporters at the gate of the Alvorada Palace.

Bolsonaro compared quarantines to “dictatorships” and predicted “chaos” caused by “the hunger and lack of jobs that people are already feeling because of this idea of ​​shutting everything down.”

“They blame me like I’m insensitive to the dead, but hunger kills too, the depression that causes suicides in Brazil. Where are we going to end up? Are the people ready for action by the federal government against this? He asked himself.

And I add: “The ground for a dictatorship is precisely hunger and misery. I wish that moment did not come, but it will come eventually.”

“I was right from the start. From now on, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro (Eduardo Paes) forbids going to the beach, when vitamin D from the sun is good to prevent severe cases of covid,” he said. .

On the other hand, the Brazilian head of state praised the plan for the local production of 20 million vaccines from AstraZeneca per month that the public laboratory Fiocruz will run from April, while defending the budget items intended to buy intensive care beds in the states and municipalities. The official laboratory Fiocruz admitted on Tuesday that the country is in hospital collapse, the worst in its history, and recommended social distancing.

In another part of his discharge, he acknowledged that the new emergency aid of $ 52 per month for four months that will be provided to nearly 40 million low-income people is “little.”


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