Jair Bolsonaro has spoken on national television and in Brazil l …


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro woke up the biggest protest against him last night. In a message on the national channel in which he tried to explain the health collapse that the country is experiencing as a result of the pandemic, thousands of Brazilians from all cities and from all social classes came out of their balconies shouting “Fora Bolsonaro”, “genocidal”.

Never before has there been a social reaction of such magnitude against the far right. Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and even Manaus, bastion of the president elected in 2018, repudiated the apologies that the president tried to give in his message to society.

The cacerolas rang in the favelas and in the middle-class neighborhoods of each state. The 12 million infected and nearly 300,000 deaths are proof that Brazil is the worst fighter in the pandemic. And the repudiation was contained until, in a message by national channel, the president tried to explain this situation and declared that the country was “one of the most vaccinated in the world”.

His message of only three minutes was intended to reassure society. He said “soon” the country “will be self-sufficient” in vaccine production against covid-19, because the antidotes of the Chinese company Sinovac and Astrazeneca will be developed there.

“We are at a time when a new variant of the coronavirus has unfortunately claimed the lives of many Brazilians”He said and added: “We don’t know how long we will have to face this crisis”, but “I want to reassure people and say that the vaccines are guaranteed”.

The discrediting of his word throughout two years of leadership bore fruit in the most massive social protest we can remember at the time, which was partly spontaneous. while the rest was a response to the call of ultra-liberal businessman and TV host Luciano Huck, considered a presidential candidate by the Democratic Party for 2022.

While the president spoke, The television showed the panorama of the cities on a split screen with the sound of the cacerolazo coming from the departmentss capitals in collapsing health due to lack of oxygen and hospital beds.


In his post, Bolsonaro emphasized vaccination despite the fact that just over 5 percent of the population of 210 million had access to some dose.

“From the start, I said we had two big challenges: jobs and viruses” and “At no time has the government ceased its efforts to save lives and maintain jobs”said the president, who this time softened the tone and avoided criticism from governors and mayors who have ordered partial lockdowns to contain the virus.

From 8:30 p.m. and for ten minutes, the pots were heard Río de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Maceió y Sao Luiz, among other cities.

The resignation requests were preceded by a statement by the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, which downplayed the possibility of a political trial against the president. Bolsonaro has a parliamentary base capable of obstructing impeachment demands.

The protest verified what polls show it with 30% company approval and a 10-point loss in the past three months. And little by little, social networks were realizing it.

The cacerolazos had only been led by the left-wing opposition in March, when the president questioned the existence of a pandemic. But yesterday they were massive.


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