Jair Bolsonaro: "I gave a heterosexual kiss to our dear Sergio Moro"


Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil, broke her silence on Thursday over the scandal involving her Minister of Justice, offering her unconditional support for Sergio Moro.

"What Moro has done is priceless. This really revealed the promiscuity of power in the face of corruption"Bolsonaro told reporters in Brasilia, a day after accompanying Moro at the reception of a hero at a football match in the city."I gave a heterobadual kiss to our beloved Sergio Moro"he added.

The president had previously declined to comment on text messages posted by the news site L & # 39; interception They seemed to show an inappropriate relationship between Moro, a federal judge, and prosecutors who are conducting the investigation into Lava Jato's corruption. As the lead investigator, Moro imprisoned the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, barring him from running in last year's elections. Bolsonaro appointed Moro as Minister of Justice shortly after winning the presidency.

After the charges against him, Judge Moro received support from Bolsonaro and the army

Onyx Lorenzoni, Chief of Staff, also took the defense of Moro, describing him as a "national hero"At a breakfast with reporters." According to Lorenzoni, leaks of private messages are a clear act of revenge against investigators and judges who have pursued the biggest stratagem of corruption in the history of Brazil. "From all that has flowed, I see nothing that could jeopardize what Lava Jato realized"he said.

Legal excuses

The President was also legally obliged to apologize to Maria do Rosario, a legislator of the Labor Party, which she commented five years ago that "It was not worth it to violate"A judge ordered him to pay 10,000 Reais ($ 2,600) and make a public apology for his comments.

"Due to a legal resolution, I have come to publicly apologize for my previous comments to the Deputy Minister. In an ideological conflict between lawmakers and after being unfairly offended by the woman of the congress in question, who insulted me, accusing me of being a rapist I replied that she did not deserve to be raped"Bolsonaro wrote in a note posted on his Twitter account of 4.5 million followers.



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