Jair Bolsonaro is mocked by Emmanuel Macron's wife by a misogynist post and the French president has treated him as "disrespectful"


In a climate of increasing tension between the French and Brazilian governments for the fires in the AmazonBrazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is mocked at the physics of the first French lady Brigitte Macron, with a photo that did not favor her. The French president was quick to answer categorically.

"After his disrespectful attack on my wife, it's sad for Brazil and Brazilian women. I think Brazilian women should to be ashamed of this behavior. Since I have respect for the Brazilian people, I hope that he will have a president at the height of the task, "said Emmanuel Macron at a press conference.

The French president has reacted to a derogatory comment against his wife, published on Facebook by a follower of Bolsonaro. The publication compared Brigitte Macron, pictured on a disadvantageous photo, to another of the first Brazilian lady, Michelle Bolsonaro, radiant on the day of her husband's investiture.

"Do you now understand why Macron attacks Bolsonaro?", Reads next to the picture. "Do not humiliate the man"Bolsonaro replied with a laugh in the same social network.

Web user Rodrigo Andreada wrote:
Internet user Rodrigo Andreada wrote: "Do you now understand why Macron is after Bolsonaro, Macron's jealousy, I believe," he wrote.

The badault on the French president was joined by part of the Bolsonaro environment. One of them was the Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, who described Macron as "opportunistic cretin". The president's son, Eduardo Bolsonaro, also retweeted a video of the yellow jackets in which you hear: "Macron is an idiot."

Tensions between France and Brazil have increased since Macron last week called leaders of major industrial democracies to an urgent discussion at the G7 summit on fires in the Amazon. Bolsonaro responded by accusing him of having a "colonialist mentality".


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