Jair Bolsonaro is ready to invade Venezuela to expel Nicolás Maduro – 04/09/2019


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro defended the strategy of creating a "crack" in the Venezuelan armed forces and his willingness to join a possible US-led armed offensive.

"Our intention, with the Americans, is to create a division in the Venezuelan army, because it is the one that always supports Nicolás Maduro, it is the armed forces that decide whether a country lives in democracy or democracy", said the president during a radio interview Jovem Pan. Three weeks ago, the situation in Venezuela was one of the main topics of the meeting between Bolsonaro and his US counterpart, Donald Trump, at the White House.

The Brazilian president has expressed his willingness to join a possible armed offensive led by the United States.

The Brazilian president has expressed his willingness to join a possible armed offensive led by the United States.

At the conclusion of this meeting in Washington, Trump said at a press conference that did not rule out the possibility of armed intervention in the Caribbean country, topic that Bolsonaro took again in an interview granted Monday in Brasilia.

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"The United States is at the forefront." Trump said that all possibilities are on the table, what are all possibilities? These are all possibilities, end point"said the president and former captain of the army.

"It is the armed forces that decide whether a country lives in democracy or in democracy," the president said in an interview.

He then added, "What can Brazil do? We will badume that there is a military invasion of Venezuela, the decision will be mine but I will listen to the National Defense Council and Parliament first. Venezuela can not continue as it is, while the people are suffering and a large part of them are fleeing for Colombia or Brazil. We must put an end to this"he said.

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"We can not let Venezuela become a new Cuba or even a North Korea"said the head of state, in power since January 1.

The thesis of an armed action is supported by Bolsonaro but not by military members of his government, including General and Vice President Hamilton Mourao.

The thesis of an armed action is supported by Bolsonaro but not by military members of his government, including General and Vice President Hamilton Mourao.

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The thesis of an armed action is supported by Bolsonaro but not by the military that makes up his government, including General and Vice President Hamilton Mourao.

Mourao was received Monday in Washington by US Vice President Mike Pence, with whom he badyzed the situation in Venezuela.

Ansa Agency and EFE.



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