Jair Bolsonaro, on the elections in Argentina: "We have the obligation to do something to prevent the past from coming back"


Jair Bolsonaro he reiterated his support for the leadership of Mauricio Macri and criticized Kirirism when he mentioned the electoral process in Argentina. "We have an obligation to do something to prevent it from going back in the past", said the president of Brazil before the industry of this country.

However, to avoid possible conflicts with a possible government of Alberto Fernández, he said: "If elected by popular votes, we must respect the result".

Bolsonaro's sentences were produced as part of a meeting of local and international CEOs, so that Trade relations between Brazil and Argentina were at the center of the debate., two historical partners.

Before 3000 investors, the president lamented the complex economic context of Argentina. "We have worked so that a country further south does not return to the hands of people who have placed it in such a complicated situation. We can not be in 2022 what this country is and lives right now"he threw.

The link between Jair Bolsonaro and Alberto Fernández is far from the best. In fact, in August, there was a tense crossing to Twitter, after the Brazilian president had declared that he did not wish that an "exile" of the Argentineans would take place in his country in the event that Kirchnerism would come back. The answer was not long: "He is racist, misogynist, violent"said the Frente de Todos candidate.

Among the ideas proclaimed by the Brazilian president are economic freedom and openness to the world, a different economic model from that proposed by the Fernández presidential formula, which will aim to strengthen the internal market.

In this section, he referred to the possible connection he would have with the former chief of staff when he arrived at Casa Rosada. "If you come back for the vote, patience, we will respect", he said, but adding criticism:" But they can not go back by our omission, our destiny with them was to be Venezuela, now the destination is from other countries. "


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