Jair Bolsonaro once again questioned next year’s presidential elections: “Without democratic elections, there will be no election”


Jair Bolsonaro He wondered again this Sunday about the holding of presidential elections next year if the electoral system is not changed. “Without fair and democratic elections, there will be no choice», Threatened the President of Brazil while speaking in front of the seat of the Congress of this country in front of hundreds of his supporters.

The president mobilized his supporters on Sunday in various cities across the country – “my army”, as he put it – to lobby for a electoral system reform before the presidential elections of 2022 where, according to the polls, his main rival, Luiz Lula da Silva, is fast becoming a favorite.

Bolsonaro wants to come back establish a manual voting system, using ballots, which supplements the current electronics in force since the 90s and of which he was elected president. Otherwise, it guarantees that the opposition will commit fraud.

Bolsonarist protesters rally along traditional Paulista Avenue (Photo: REUTERS / Amanda Perobelli)For: REUTERS

“You are here to demand our freedom to be guaranteed, looking for a way for us to have clean and democratic elections next year. Without fair and democratic elections, there will be no elections“said Bolsonaro quoted by San Pablo leaf.

And he added: “We demand, with you who are in fact my army, our army, that the people will express themselves in the public counting of the votes ”.

“Anyone who claims the Brazilian electoral system is auditable and secure is a liar. It is the power that is at stake. I am not here to make assumptions and want to impose my will. It is your will. If necessary I will give the last alert to those who do not respect us, ”he said before calling on the population to demonstrate.

And he warned: “Our union will free us from the shadow of communism and socialism.

How did the mobilizations go?

Thousands of Brazilians mobilized this Sunday in different cities to demand a controllable printed vote in addition to the current electronic voting system as promoted by the president.

the higher concentrations occurred in Rio de Janeiro, where several blocks of the iconic Avenida Atlántica on Copacabana Beach, and on Esplanada dos Ministerios, in the administrative center of Brasilia, have been occupied.

New threat from Jair Bolsonaro

In addition, supporters of the president demonstrated at the central Avenida Paulista de San Pablo, considered the financial heart of Brazil.

“I want to congratulate you on the initiative to take to the streets and fight for freedoms and for clean elections. It is only your right and an obligation of the state to provide a public vote count, which is presented as verifiable, ”Bolsonaro said in a live message from Brasilia.

The president wishes the Congress passes constitutional amendment to set up ballot papers in addition to the electronic ballot box system in force since 1996.

The project, which is in the hands of Congress, foresees that the vote that each voter registers on the screen of the electronic ballot box will also be printed on paper and deposited in a methacrylate ballot box.

The president’s idea is that in case of suspicion of fraud in the current system, the votes can be counted manually.


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