Jair Bolsonaro plans to exonerate farmers who shoot at invaders from their land – 29/04/2019


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, said Monday that he would send the House of Representatives a bill seeks to exonerate rural landowners who shoot against those who invade their property.

The project "will have to be discussed, but it is a way to fight against violence in the countryside," said the president at a meeting on agriculture held in the Brazilian city of Ribeirao Preto , in the state of San Pablo.

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The head of state stressed that "private property is sacred" and, for this reason, will propose to the legislator that the farmer who shoots against an invader "answer" to justice, but do not be punished for your action.

The goal, according to the head of state, is that people "who do not respect the law" fear "good citizens, not the opposite."

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In addition, the former captain of the army reserve said that another project will be presented to Congress so that the rural producer can use weapons "around the perimeter of his property", and not only at home.

One of the main measures taken by Bolsonaro after taking office on 1 January was the signing of a decree of flexibilization of possession of firearms, one of the right flags during the election campaign.

The measure had been requested by different groups, including the large rural landowners, who have an influential caucus in the Brazilian Congress.

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The Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), the body linked to the Brazilian episcopate, expects an increase in conflicts in the countryside this year, despite the sharp decline recorded last year .

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Violence-related murders resulting from land, water or labor disputes between workers and large landowners decreased by 60.5 per cent in 2018 to 71 from 71 in 2017, the highest level in the world. the highest in 14 years.


Source: EFE


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