Jair Bolsonaro received the medical discharge and this Monday he will resume his functions | He was hospitalized for a bowel obstruction


the president of brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, received medical leave this Sunday, after spending four days at the Vila Nova Star Hospital in Sao Paulo, where he was treated for a intestinal obstruction. The leader of the Brazilian far right left the hospital on foot and assured that this Monday he would resume his duties.

The president was hospitalized in a medical center in Brasilia on Wednesday, for a persistent hiccups that caused abdominal pain. On the same day, he was transferred to Nova Star in the capital of São Paulo, where the professionals who treated him came to consider the possibility of performing emergency surgery to treat the “intestinal under-obstruction”.

Eventually they decided to bet on a “conservative treatment” that worked. This Sunday at 9:30 am, after having evolved in a “satisfactory” way, Bolsonaro left, according to the last bulletin distributed by the private hospital. “He (Bolsonaro) will continue with outpatient support by the assistant medical team, ”the report points out, although it does not indicate whether the obstruction has been fully repaired.

Gastroenterologist Antonio Macedo told reporters that the discharge was possible because the president’s digestive system is functioning regularly. However, He warned that it is important to “calmly resume your work routine”.

Bolsonaro left the hospital on foot, accompanied by some allies, and assured the media that he would be “back to the presidency tomorrow (Monday)”.

“I had to go on a diet, I did what was necessary. I wanted to leave on day one, but they wouldn’t let me. I hope that in ten days or so I will be able to eat a steak alreadyAdded the president, who took advantage of the presence of journalists to once again criticize the senatorial commission which is investigating the disastrous efforts that his government has made to fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

In this context, he once again defended his former Minister of Health, General Eduardo Pazuello, whose performance was questioned by the commission of inquiry. “Do you want to overthrow the government? I once said that only God takes me out of the presidential chairBolsonaro launched, in reference to the elections to be held in Brazil in 2022, which have as a favorite the former leftist president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

In recent years, the far-right has undergone five surgeries, including four following the attack he suffered in 2018, when he was stabbed in the abdomen while participating in an electoral rally in the town of Juiz de Fora. , in the state of Minas Gerais (south-east of the country).


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