Jair Bolsonaro rejected the controversial Minister of Education, Ricardo Rodríguez – 04/08/2019


The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, rejected Monday at the Colombian nationalized in Brazil Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez, Head of the Ministry of Education and whose direction was involved in multiple controversies and caused internal conflicts within the portfolio.

The decision, announced last Friday by the president, was confirmed by Bolsonaro himself via social networks, where he announced the name of his replacement.

I am communicating to all, at the suggestion of Professor Abraham Weintraub, the post of Minister of Education. Abraham is a teacher, university professor and can experiment with music and prepare dishes for pasta. I take this opportunity to thank Professor Velez for his services.

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) April 8, 2019

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"I am informing everyone of the appointment of Professor Abraham Weintraub to the post of Minister of Education," Bolsonaro said on his Twitter profile, his preferred medium of communication.

In his message, the Brazilian president briefly mentioned the Colombian philosopher. "I take this opportunity to thank Professor Vélez for the services rendered," he said.

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According to Bolsonaro, the new portfolio manager Education "is a doctor, university professor and has extensive experience in management and portfolio knowledge".

The management of Vélez Rodríguez at the head of the Education portfolio I was questioned internal conflicts that had been presented between the different power groups of the Ministry, and that caused a series of layoffs and resignations, including those of three deputy ministers.

The 75-year-old Colombian philosopher has been a member of the Bolsonaro cabinet since the beginning of the government on January 1, on the recommendation of the ultra-conservative guru Olavo de Carvalho, one of the president's mentors.

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Vélez Rodríguez, who settled in Brazil in 1979, has also been controversial about his statements.

The most recent was given by a mention of the Colombian drug trafficker who died. Pablo Escobar, one of the most bloodthirsty characters of his home country, to whom put as an example of behavior so that young people do not use drugs at school.

"Pablo Escobar had reserved football pitches for young people and a small library, so the young people did not use cocaine because it was intended for export," said the minister at the time. 39, a public hearing in the Chamber of Deputies. .

Having said that Brazilians behave like "cannibals" in his travels abroad and announce "progressive changes" in textbooks "Children can have the real" and "true" idea of ​​the 1964 coup and from the military dictatorship instituted later on until 1985, other controversies were launched with the minister, declared anti-communist and politically correct enemy.

Shortly after taking office in February, Vélez Rodríguez adhered to the slogan that boys in schools would listen to the slogan of the Bolsonaro campaign: "Brazil above all, God above all else."

In his inaugural speech, Vélez Rodríguez also promised to end "the aggressive promotion of gender ideology".

Velez then defended what he described as traditional values ​​such as family, religion, school and nation, which were "threatened by a crazy globalist wave".

Source: EFE and AP



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