Jair Bolsonaro released after four days in hospital with bowel obstruction


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro walks to the Hospital de la Estrella de Vila Nova in Sao Paulo (Instagram / Reuters)
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro walks to the Hospital de la Estrella de Vila Nova in Sao Paulo (Instagram / Reuters)

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro received medical discharge on Sunday after spending four days in Sao Paulo hospital treating a bowel obstruction, according to medical sources.

“I had to go on a diet, I did what I had to do. I wanted to leave on day one, but they wouldn’t let me. I hope that in ten days or so I will be able to eat a steakThe president told reporters after being released from the private Vila Nova Star hospital.

The 66-year-old president entered the health center last Wednesday after being transferred from a medical center in Brasilia, where he was hospitalized with severe abdominal pain and an attack of hiccups. The medical team came to consider the possibility of undergoing emergency surgery to treat the “intestinal under-obstruction” that the head of state has undertaken, but they decided to opt for “conservative treatment” which has given good results.

After having evolved in a “satisfactory” way, Bolsonaro left this Sunday around 9:30 am local time (12:30 GMT), according to the last bulletin diffused by the private hospital, and will return to the federal capital this same Sunday.

“He (Bolsonaro) will continue with outpatient support by the assistant medical teamThe report pointed out, although it did not say whether the obstruction had been fully repaired.

Jair Bolsonaro sale del hospital (video capture / TV Globo)
Jair Bolsonaro sale del hospital (video capture / TV Globo)

Gastroenterologist Antonio Macedo told reporters the discharge was possible because the president’s digestive system was functioning regularly, but warned that Bolsonaro “you should calmly resume your work routine”.

Despite his hospitalization, Bolsonaro continued to command the executive and very active on social media, posting photos and commenting on political issues. “Return to Brasilia. Thank you for the prayers and wishes for a full recovery“, He wrote this Sunday on Twitter.

In recent years, the Brazilian far-right leader has undergone five surgeries, including four following the attack he suffered in 2018, when he was stabbed in the abdomen while participating in a electoral rally in the town of Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais (south-eastern part of the country).

The assailant was arrested immediately after the attack, but was declared unassailable, with the judge finding that he lacked the capacity to answer for his actions due to his mental problems.

Given his record, the sovereign You should “chew your food well, eat lighter, exercise, walk. All that is important “, recommended Saturday the head of the medical team, Antonio Macedo.

Bolsonaro’s health failure comes amid erosion of his popularity and political tensions, with suspicions of corruption in contracts negotiated by his government to purchase vaccines to fight the coronavirus pandemic, which numbers more than 540 000 dead in Brazil.

(With information from EFE and AFP)


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