Jair Bolsonaro responds to Lula da Silva: "At least now, a bunch of drunkards do not govern" – 27/04/2019


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said Saturday that Brazil was at least not ruled by a "gang" of drunks, following interrogations about statements in which the former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva He badured that the country was ruled by "a group of lunatics".

"At least, this is not a group of cachaceiros (who get drunk with the cachaça)," said the leader of the Brazilian far right after being questioned by reporters about the statements that the leader Socialist had made Friday in the first interview given to the press. Since he was imprisoned last April to serve a conviction for corruption and money laundering.

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The current chief, retired army captain, said with an ironic tone that he thought that the consumption of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in Brazilian prisons, thus evoking the supposed taste of Lula for cachaça (a kind of traditional brandy in Brazil). As a result of this accusation, the leader of the Workers' Party has even threatened to expel a foreign journalist from Brazil under his government.

"First of all, I think that Lula would not have to give interviews. It is a mistake that justice has granted him the right to give interviews. An inmate must serve his sentence, "said Bolsonaro following the Supreme Court ruling that allowed newspapersOlha de Sao Paulo and The country, from Spain, to interrogate the former president of the prison where he is currently in Curitiba, convicted of corruption.

The head of state added that in the interview, Lula had declared "nonsense" about his government and challenged him to compare the two administrations.

"Who were the members of your team?" A lot of it is processed, its ministers are prisoners or respond to processes, we can compare our ministers with theirs, because of their qualifications, their professionalism, their patriotism or their desire to do things. correctly, "said Bolsonaro.

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"We have been in government for 110 days without any accusation of what Lula and his ministers have done in the past," he added.

According to the far-right leader, the 13-year leadership of the Lula Workers' Party left Brazil with "misfortune" and "suffering", the consequences of which are felt up to the end. aujourd & # 39; hui.

He added that Brazil had fallen far back in the PT era and that its intention was to change the "demagogy" and "populism" of that era in terms of accountability.

Lula, president from 2003 to 2010, was one of the most popular leaders in Brazil, but his image was tarnished after being involved in several corruption investigations. The decision currently in effect – this week has been reduced from 12 years to 8 years and 10 months – refers to a luxury department that allegedly received a bribe from the AEO construction company for having favored it with contracts with the state oil company Petrobras.

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In his interview Friday, Lula criticized the Bolsonaro government and advised it to build a strong party he wants to stay in power.

"We will make a general self-criticism to this country.What can not be, it is that it is ruled by this gang of nuts, the country does not deserve it and, above all, people do not do not deserve, "said the former charismatic union leader.

The former president also took advantage of his first interview in prison to insist on his innocence, baderting that he was with his conscience and guaranteeing that he would prefer to stay in prison to lose his dignity.

Source: agencies


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