Jair Bolsonaro said Lula is a “thief who wants to be a candidate” and once again pointed out against Argentina: “They made a bad choice”


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (EFE / Joédson Alves / Archive)
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (EFE / Joédson Alves / Archive)

Jair Bolsonaro attacked this Friday against former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Argentina, Venezuela and communism, in an act of cession of land to peasants to which he gave a clear electoral nuance.

With his spirit already in the presidential elections of October 2022, in which he will aspire to be re-elected, President condemned Lula’s intention to run for president again. Without citing him by name, he called him a “thief who wants to be a candidate”.

The allusion to Lula coincided with a new poll released on Friday, according to which the leader of the Workers’ Party (PT) would win next year’s elections with 45%, against 37% that Bolsonaro would obtain in the second round, results similar to those of other polls.

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (EFE / Fernando Bizerra Jr./Archivo)
Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (EFE / Fernando Bizerra Jr./Archivo)

Lula received a new sign of support from former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) a few days ago. This Friday, we knew that the two shared their concern about the management of Bolsonaro during a lunch promoted on May 12 by the former minister Nelson jobim. The meeting between the former leaders took place after last March Cardoso said he would vote for Lula in a possible ballot against Bolsonaro.

Lula is able to run for office after court ruling overturned nearly 26-year prison sentences due to a jurisdictional conflict. Therefore, he ordered that his trials be repeated in another jurisdiction.

“See what’s going on in the world. They know that a bad choice can lead to misfortune “Bolsonaro has said in an attempt to warn of what could happen in Brazil if Lula wins in 2022.

The meeting between Lula da Silva and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Ricardo Stuckert / Lula Institute / via REUTERS)
The meeting between Lula da Silva and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Ricardo Stuckert / Lula Institute / via REUTERS)

“So it was with (Hugo) Chávez and (Nicolás) Maduro in Venezuela”he said first. And then he added: “In Argentina, they also made a bad choice”, in clear reference to the current president, Alberto Fernández, with whom he already has a long history of cross.

“We don’t want that for us, but it will depend on what you choose in 2022”Bolsonaro insisted, who stressed that “communism has not worked anywhere in the world and it will not be in Brazil where it will be installed”. The event took place in a municipality in the state of Maranhao, whose governor is Flavio Dino of the Communist Party and who was also criticized by the governor.

“They must have an aversion to communism”, which “only creates equality in despair, hunger and miseryIt destroys families and religions, ”the president said. The president even went further and addressed this ideology of the plague. “The state of Maranhao will be freed from this scourge,” he said referring to the 2022 elections, where the governors will also vote.

Argentine President Alberto Fernández
Argentine President Alberto Fernández

Bolsonaro again criticized the closures of economic activities decided by governors and mayors to contain coronavirus infections, which in Maranhao have been particularly severe. He assured that “they have no proven scientific effectiveness” and maintained that they are applied to “oppress the people”.

Beyond these comments, the president made no allusion to the health situation in the country, which has nearly 445,000 deaths from COVID-19 and is, according to some specialists, haunted by the threat of a possible new wave. Still, it’s true that average daily deaths fell more than 30% last month, although the decline stopped this week.

Bolsonaro also did not mention the identification in Brazil of the first case of the aggressive Indian variant, detected this Thursday precisely in Maranhao, and this is in addition to the British, South African and Amazonian strains, which have been circulating in the country for months.

(With information from EFE)


Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula da Silva shared their concern over Jair Bolsonaro’s handling at the helm of Brazil
Brazil has detected the first cases of the Indian variant of the coronavirus in the country

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