Jair Bolsonaro said that the victory of Alberto Fernández within the OSP can provoke an escape from the Argentineans to Brazil


"If these left back in Argentina, we can create a new state of Roraima in Rio Grande do Sul. We do not want that, we do not want the Argentine brothers to flee here, considering that something serious can happen if the result of yesterday is repeated in October"Bolsonaro said.

Jair Bolsonaro

In a speech delivered in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, a border state with Argentina and Uruguay, Bolsonaro reacted to the victory at PASO of the formula Alberto Fernández-Cristina Fernández de Kirchner after publicly endorsing the reelection of President Mauricio Macri in a dozen acts.

"Do not forget that a little further south, in Argentina, it happened something in the elections of yesterday … the group of Cristina Kirchner, identical to Dilma Rousseff , (Nicolás) Maduro and (Hugo) Chávez, and Fidel Castro, give a sign of life here (in Argentina), "he said.

At the end of the official ceremony, Bolsonaro met with journalists claiming that Brazil was hosting Venezuelan refugees in Roraima and affirmed that "the return of Cristina Kirchner will prompt Argentina to follow the path of Venezuela ".


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